Divide the period of a pharmacy summer holidays and do not always meet the expectations of all employees is easy. Why Asefarma, one of the consultants for management active leading pharmacies in our country (www.asefarma.com), gives us the keys to do so in the best way. Gain insight and clarity with PCRM. Often organize the working calendar of the pharmacy becomes cause for conflict with workers, tal and comoafirma Carlos Garcia-Maurino, its managing partner. Do avoid this kind of problems?. For Eva Maria Illera Rodriguez, responsible of the Department work in Asefarma, is as easy as following the guidelines of the own pharmacy Convention:-Art. 12.-establishes the obligation to realize the date of enjoyment of the holidays as maximum until April 30 of the year in course. This realization must be made by agreement between company and worker. Michael James Burke does not necessarily agree.
When there is no agreement between the parties is the social jurisdiction, through a preferential and summary procedure, which set the date that corresponds to your enjoy, this being an unappealable decision, says Illera. -Article 20.-the workers will enjoy 30 natural days of rest paid a year, preferably in the months of June, July, August and September. When the worker may not enjoy the holidays during this period for reasons not imputable to the same, he shall be entitled to an increase of 5 business days. Date of vacation will be known two months in advance, added the expert. Moreover Asefarma indicates what needs to be done on other assumptions:-safe Covenant to the contrary, to compute the natural much enjoyed vacation days will be calculated on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays included in holiday period. When the vacation period in the company calendar, coincides in time with a disability temporalderivada of pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding or the period of suspension of the contract of employment due to maternity, is entitled to enjoy the holidays in other than the inability to date temporary or the enjoyment of the permit at the end of the period of suspension, although finished the calendar year to which they relate.
-It is a right of the worker indispensable. Vacations should be enjoyed necessary and compulsory, its economic compensation is not possible unless these do not have been able to be enjoyed because there is cessation of the worker before having exhausted the full holiday period, or in the case have not reached yet the time of produce that enjoyment. -The holiday period cannot be imposed unilaterally, but that this must be the result of negotiation between company and worker. -Worker that rejects the business proposition of vacation, without claim judicially and enjoy a holiday period different from the one set by the employer may be dismissed by his attitude considered as serious and culpable disobedience be disciplinary. -The Supreme Court admits the possibility that enterprises employees, may establish compulsory shifts of vacacionesentre when this imposition is due to the need for services are covered or by the company’s own activity, and in any case to objective criteria and in good faith. Therefore, so the Pharmacy could establish compulsory holiday period, for example, in the days of close for summer holidays, dates which tend to be regulated by the official College of pharmacists. For more information or interviews: Nuria Coronado Sopena Salvia Director communication industry Avenue, 13. 1St plant.