International Ergonomics Association

The importance of ergonomic posture in children that is ergonomics? According to the International Ergonomics Association 1, ergonomics is:-the scientific discipline related to the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system. -The profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance. The ergonomic studies aims to find ways of adapting products, tasks, tools, spaces and the environment to the capacity and needs of the people so that improve the efficiency, safety and the well-being of people. Why is the ergonomic posture important? According to many studies published by various magazines and medical journals, poor ergonomic posture is cause of many ailments and injuries. Among the problems generated by a poor ergonomic posture are back of head pains, muscular tension, discomfort and pain in the joints, tendon injuries and many more. In recent years much importance has been given to the issue of the ergonomic posture in the scope of work and there are various organizations that are dedicated to study this problem and to provide concrete solutions to improve workspaces through a good ergonomic posture. There are many companies that have redesigned their products to meet the ergonomics market, seeking to eliminate the problems of poor ergonomic posture. But the importance of a good ergonomic posture should not begin the ergonomic posture in children with injury problems increase by a poor ergonomic posture in older people or adults in the workplace, it is worth mentioning that the problem should attack since childhood.

There are several products that are designed to have a good ergonomic posture in childhood and so power from children develops morality of ergonomic posture when performing daily as eating, do activities tasks, reading, studying, sleeping, etc. In the specific case of tasks and study (activity that takes most of the day a child aged between 5 and 18), it is extremely important to keep an ergonomic posture at any time. How many children does not do their tasks seated in the dining room or kitchen table? How many children do not study lying on a bed or sofa? How many children perform their tasks on the ground? Do you think that these sites are promoting a correct ergonomic posture? This is why a desktop system is designed for children that seeks to provide the tools to keep a correct ergonomic posture during the study period. As it is ergonomic desktop for kids system? The system consists of a desk and a Chair that is ergonomically designed for children with the objective to maintain a correct ergonomic posture. And the best thing about this system is that it grows with the child! I.e., both the desk and the Chair is adjust its height to be able to keep, during the growth of the child, a correct ergonomic posture.

Whats the correct ergonomic posture? For an adult, the typical height of a work desk range between 71 and 75 centimeters. Imagine now is the ergonomic posture of a child of 6 or 7 years old sitting on a desk of adult? The desktop is set at its height between 53 and 79 centimeters and Chair is adjusted in its height between 31 and 46 centimeters.