Chico Xavier

The film we inside brings autobiografia of one of the personalities of great importance of the world-wide scene, ' ' Chico Xavier' ' a man who through its faith in God on the basis of the espiritismo, revolutionized the vision regarding the espiritismo in way our society. The synthesis narrative searchs to transmit the clarividncia lived for ' ' Chico' ' of infancy its adult life. A work that awakes the curiosity of innumerable spectators that has for objective to understand who better is ' ' Chico Xavier' ' one ' ' verdade' ' or ' ' mito' ' eternalized in it speaks, in books and in the films that they invade the minds of the people for the world it measures. In the film simplicity is visible, in the form of presentation of the facts livings creature for ' ' Chico' ' ; something that did not run away from the principles nailed for it throughout its terrena life. In more, I can affirm that the author of the film searched prism the image of a man who beyond the faith and of its clarividncia, perpetuated the solidarity feelings, of love, resignation, charity something not only transmitted for espritas, but for all the people who are involved for the love and faith that ' ' Chico Xavier' ' it lived and that still the perspective of its religiosidade lives as.