Occupational Therapy

The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel informed occupational therapy treatment is a measure that often and sometimes even carelessly or without further previous research is used just for children with developmental disorders. This differentiated diagnosis is particularly important to avoid medical malpractice. Elisabeth Brechtel treats among other children in their occupational therapy practice in Cologne and informed when and in what form this type of therapy is used. Including lead high Fersehkonsum and lack affection of the parents which seriously impair children’s development or delay. Often these developmental notice then in kindergarten or elementary school and the educators and educators recommend occupational therapy treatment. Some pediatricians the requests of the most ill-informed parents to come without more tests and prescribe the required therapy. In many cases, these could be easily replaced by corresponding support of the child in the parental home.

A Child in the kindergarten age, whose fine motor skills is not age-related and that accordingly not to handle cutlery or nothing with crayons to do know is not necessarily serious development, but has experienced may just not the necessary attention from parents and relatives. However, there are also numerous cases for which these conditions do not apply to, and in which an early, professional therapy is the only way to allow a normal, independent life children limited motor skills, sensory or coordination. Also, children with ADHD, impaired concentration and atypical movement behaviour can be helped here. With children, different approaches are implemented in occupational therapy and the treatment is individually tailored to the small patients. This means that in General not the same structure of therapy applied in children with the same diagnosis. Especially for the treatment is at the heart of the therapy to the one the Bobath concept, by sensory and motor disorders that are caused by an impaired central nervous system is applied. On the other hand comes the so-called sensory integration therapy use, which is essentially due to the American of A.

Jean Ayres and who delayed including the treatment of behavior disorders, learning disabilities, speech or psychosomatic problems to the main subject. The holistic therapy, in which the objectives are defined over and over again and adjusted the level of development of the child is central in the occupational therapy with children. Specifically the therapy is not aimed at the treatment of specific symptoms, but she sees them in a large context in which problems with fine motor skills for example about the way of the gross motor skills of the child. At the diagnosis, initially also a classic investigation is done by the therapist, how it is used by doctors, but it tries to be able to make an initial assessment in medias res. The child is in the therapy rooms and its virtue behavior is observed. It shows interest? If so, what? It dares to play? These and many other questions are getting to know the young patients in the foreground, before it comes to interviews and standardized tests, through which the therapist can make a more differentiated picture of the symptoms of the child’s. Can be helped with occupational therapy effectively not only children with developmental disabilities. Patients with Crohn’s disease experience effective help Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis or other diseases of the nerve or musculoskeletal system through occupational therapy. Elisabeth Brechtel advise to the various possibilities of therapy and available for questions at any time.