Restaurant Association DEHOGA

Better DEHOGA star classification by the growing importance of guest reviews Hotel Navigator is no longer indispensable in today’s Web 2.0 landscape. This is taken into consideration in the criteria of the DEHOGA classification and Star award as well. The use of quality management tools from Hotel Navigator causes, that the hotel owner receives more points for Star classification. “The German hotel and Restaurant Association DEHOGA, confirmed that the Hotel Navigator in the current set of criteria under the point of offer design” contributes to fulfil the following criteria: No. 243: systematic dealing with guest complaints support through the Hotel Navigator: support of complaint management: 1) complaint submission by guest via online questionnaire or guestbook > hotel is notified of the complaints by the Hotel Navigator cockpit report 2) evaluation and recommendation for action (alert function). DEHOGA points: 3 No.

244: systematic survey support through the Hotel Navigator: creation of a individual online guest questionnaire DEHOGA points: 5 No. 245: Mystery guesting support through the Hotel Navigator: are carried out in cooperation with the KIRSCH consultancy (official DEHOGA accredited). More information under: DEHOGA points: 15 No. 250: online bookings through electronic booking systems or your own homepage support through the Hotel Navigator: implementation of a booking system to increase direct bookings DEHOGA points: 5 No. 252: invitation to departing / traveled from guests, to make an assessment of the hotel’s services on a portal or your website support through the Hotel Navigator: active review request of guests after departure on your own machine. “Email delivery tool, as well as by means of on-site assessment sticky notes” DEHOGA points: 5 achievable DEHOGA points with the support of the Hotel Navigator a33 the fulfilment of these criteria brings the hotel up to 33 extra points towards the hotel star. A hotel, such as a 3-star classification seeks up to 13% of the necessary minimum points obtained the services of Hotel Navigator. With Q certification ServiceQualitat Germany, he can cover portfolios through the use of the Hotel Navigator even up to 17% of the necessary minimum points.

Meanwhile more than 200 hotels and hotel chains use successfully the Hotel Navigator alone in Germany as a quality management tool for ensuring a high level of quality. For more information about HOTEL NAVIGATOR under: company profile Hotel Navigator: Navigator hotel is leader when it comes to insert external as well as internal guest opinions profitably for the hotel. The Hotel Navigator quality seal combines all relevant online evaluation portals and evaluate also their ratings. In addition the Hotel Navigator anticipate an on-site survey sheets. Thus arises a meaningful value to the quality of the hotel. Profitable usage both external (reviews from leading review sites) as well internal (on-site won Reviews) Guest reviews. The potential guest an objective opinion about the hotel makes it easy to make. Representation of daily summarized guest opinions with a single click on the seal on the hotel’s own website. “Bribe in particular from many further advantages for the hotelier: more direct reservations on your own website easy monitoring of guest reviews in the leading review sites increase customer loyalty and time – and cost savings by following Hotel Navigator-news the hotelier can expand its quality management tool: individual questionnaire: flowing daily into the evaluation of the Hotel Navigator as a private hotel Portal” with a. Facebook interface: integration of the guest comments on your Facebook fan page with direct booking facility. Competitors comparison: You can compare your hotel with up to nine other competitors according to various criteria.