Marketing Services

He has been written, that traditionally services, both the for-profit and the non-profit industries, have not shown a market orientation. They rezagaron with respect to the companies of the acceptance of the concept of marketing collateral and have adopted these techniques very slowly. Staton, Etzel and Walker claim that there are several reasons that explain their attitude. In many industries, especially in professional services, those providing them are considered as producers or creators of the service, not as their sellers. Proud of his ability to repair a car, diagnose an illness or provide legal advice, they think that they are not businessmen. States, that senior managers of these companies have not understood what is the marketing or contribute to the success of them.

The majority of services firms do not have an Executive exclusively in charge of marketing, put equivalent to Vice President of marketing in a company producing goods. The generality of nonprofit companies you bothering them the idea of marketing. For them this activity amounted to advertising or personal selling; they did not fully understand the concept of a global marketing program. The fundamental problem was that you most of these groups did not believe that they were heading a business. Why they didn’t use many business skills, including marketing. The wide range of services that sell lucrative enterprises appears in the following classification by industry: housing: includes rent or income from hotels, motels, apartments, House and farms.

Household maintenance or family operations: includes public services, house repair, repairs of home equipment, gardening, house cleaning. Recreation and entertainment: includes theatres, sporting events, parks of amusements, rent and repair that participates in recreational activities and entertainment. Personal care: includes laundry, dry cleaning, treatments for beauty and physical care. Health care and other health care: It comprises all medical, dental, optometry, nursing, hospitalization and other services. Private education: Includes vocational schools, nurseries, continuing education programs.