English Interpreter

Most often performed translator translation requires revision or correction, because in such a way translation company improves the quality of sold orders. In this case, the editor must know the target language, to master the family and understand the subjects scanned text. If we talk about pricing, the cost of a page translation (About 1800 characters) popular languages will be $ 8-20. The price of translation from and into rare languages reaches 20-30 $ / page Consecutive interpretation costs an average $ 30-35 per hour But it all depends on the customers, if the interpretation is required financial sector, with top managers, the rate of maneuvering in the limit of $ 100 per hour Regular customers enough to pay $ 30 per hour A translation from exotic languages stands in polraza above. Price for interpretation stipulates the presence of special equipment. If the customer provides their own equipment, it will pay for the interpreter $ 100 hourly, and when the equipment is used translation agency, the customer pays $ 200 per hour Also, simultaneous translation is estimated the volume of work for a small order an interpreter for 2-3 hours, the fare will be $ 200 per hour, and at long orders – from $ 100 / h. Since translation agency receives income from the surplus value through the work of translators is, the cost of wages are very high.

Most often, the salary of an interpreter is at least half payment for the order. For example, a combination of languages: Russian, English translation of written text is paid about at $ 4.12 per page, and for simultaneous translation translator can get $ 200 for 2 hours. While income is usually an interpreter is up to $ 1000 per month. Organizing your translation work, do not forget about the described moments!