Preschool Child Care

How to teach your preschool child care for their teeth about the importance of oral hygiene from an early age does not make sense to repeat, and parents are well aware of this report. However, often there are difficulties with the formation of This necessary habit in children. How to captivate a child daily dental hygiene? Parents agree to immediately: this ritual is not amenable to discussion. I hope in this case on prudence and common sense, love. Can Tell your child about the harmful bacteria that can be thrown out rotika brush and paste. Only clean teeth can be happy. You can draw a sad stained tooth and, for comparison – a clean and cheerful.

My children recently Time really like the idea of an hourglass, through which the measure is interesting while cleaning your teeth. In babies, it should be at least 1,5-2 minutes. Can be cut into pieces of a big label, and after each brushing teeth stick one piece. As a result, get the picture, for which relies a prize! Tips for the little stubborn sometimes toothbrush is used by children to unimaginable fun, not just for teeth cleaning. Proposal number 1. Look for peacekeepers. Sometimes someone from the outside environment has a greater impact on the child than the parents. Why not try to apply to the child's pediatrician or dentist with a request to explain the little man, how important regularly and brush your teeth. Of course, the important role played by the authority of an adult for the child.

Reform Sector

Javier Botero, Deputy Minister of higher education, to explain the reform to the law 30. In dialogue with the program an analysis of a Radio, emphasized that the main aspiration of the Government is that more young people have access to higher education with quality and relevance. With the project are considering three levels of discussion: funding of public universities, contributions from the private sector and creation of private for-profit universities. On these three points, the rector of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Moises Wasserman, said: it does not respond to the needs of universities, do not know how to give the contributions of the private sector or what happens to private universities for profit when there is no institution of its kind in the world rankings of quality. According to the Vice-Minister, three levels which raises the Rector are seen from a single edge. The contributions of the nation are never sufficient to fund higher education and this reform comes accompanied by the project of the royalties who already attends the Congress.

If approved, 10% would go for research and innovation and would have a huge impact in the next three years, because they will be 2.5 billion pesos. Our concern is the training of citizens and the human resources that the country needs. We must have clear accounts on what is invested in training, research and extension. The Government is considering a gradual significant increase, which is negotiable. Unfortunately, the proposed increase of 1% for the first year, 2% for the second and 3% from the third year until 2019 not began to apply this year as it had been established, said Botero. And added that in Colombia the participation of the productive sector in higher education has been in research projects, with the proposal seeks a legal clarity, which has a partnership and the private sector make a direct investment in a public institution that is benefit the two. As for the non-profit universities, Botero said: we don’t expect that there is research, nor is the solution for the coverage or quality, but it is a part of the resolution of the problem, they are focused on training, many technical and technological level.

Afghanistan Photographs

Awards World Press Photo 2011 last month of February, were given awards of prestigious photo World Press Photo competition. It is an organization without spirit non-profit headquartered in Amsterdam and founded in 1955, it is known for organizing the largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest.The jury consisting of 13 members (graphic editors, photographers and news agencies) choose between sent photographs of photojournalists, agencies, newspapers, magazines and photographers from around the world. The categories in which are divided the photographs that are participating in the contest are the following:-the most important World Press Photo of the year – news – hot topics – the characters of today – sports and action – sports stories – photographs contemporary issues – everyday life – portraits – art and entertainment – nature ceremony held in April in Amsterdam, and after the contest, the photographs are exhibited in a travelling exhibition visited by more than one million people in 40 countries. If you need some product photography do not hesitate to visit:. doctortrade. com first prize was for the photo of Aisha Bibi, a woman of 18 years, in the province of Oruzgan, Afghanistan, fled from the House of her husband to the House of his family, complaining about the violent treatment. The Taliban arrived one night, Bibi exigiendoque was executed. Shortly thereafter, a taliban Commander gave his verdict, and while his brother-in-law was holding her, her husband cut off his ears and nose.

Aisha was abandoned, but was later rescued by aid workers and U.S. military. After a time in a shelter for women in Kabul, she was taken to the United States, where he was treated for his wounds and underwent reconstructive surgery. Aisha Bibi lives today in the EE UU.