New Real Estate Tax

Of average, one will receive about 4 Euros by square meter. " It is the unique measurement that can be implemented &quot immediately; , it said to the minister of finances heleno, Evangelos Venizelos. The civil service politicians and stops will resign to one pays monthly of their wages. The minister of Finances of Greece, Evangelos Venizelos, announced east Sunday a new tax for all the owners of any type of real estate property, with the aim of collecting about 2,000 million Euros from now until end of year. The extraordinary cabinet of this Sunday, that extended during four hours, " he decided to do against a especially crucial situation in Europe and the world-wide market, and is necessary to deliver an attack nacional" , Venizelos said before the press in Salonica (North of Greece). a>. " The unique measurement that can be implemented immediately is extraordinary an additional tax on the real estate property by two aos" , it informed.

Of average, one will receive about 4 Euros by squared meter, like minimum 50 pennies in the poorest zones and at the most 10 Euros in the wealthiest areas of the country. In addition, the civil service politicians and stops will resign to one pays monthly of their wages. Recession superior to the predicted Venizelos recognized that the recession that undergoes Greece is superior to the anticipated one, with a contraction of 5% of Producto Interior Bruto (PIB), against the estimations that spoke of 3.8%. If Greece wants to remove the head from the water, added, must assume " decisions inmediatas" in order to fulfill the goals of deficit for years 2011 and 2012. Greek prime minister, the Socialist Yorgos Papandreu, already said east Saturday that Athens will fulfill the reforms exactly structural and a program of privatizations to collect about 78,000 million Euros until 2015. This Sunday reiterated in Salonica that will advance with the structural reforms necessary to remove to the country from the recession " We will assume all the measures that are necessary. The way that we chose is very difficult, but he is the unique one that can guarantee one to us seguridad" , it indicated prime minister in press conference.

In view of the agreement reached with the European partners and the International Monetary Fund (the IMF) the past 21 of July after a new rescue of 160,000 million Euros, Papandreu declared that " all the necessary one will become so that they accept the 400 the national banks and parliaments (of the deserving countries) ". " We were in the middle of a storm, but we will not allow that nobody us amenace" , it indicated prime minister, who added: " Two years ago we had a deficit of 30,000 million Euros and now a small deflection of a single is not forgiven to us nor euro". Visit Ken Cron for more clarity on the issue. Papandreu affirmed that the program and the changes will cause that the debt, that at the moment surpasses the 350,000 million Euros, is " completely sostenible" and it added that " the objective is to secure a primary surplus in 2012 (without the return of the debt and I interest) ". " We are determined to advance and to protect the July agreement because we do not have the right to leave to the efforts &quot halfway; , it asserted prime minister. Also, it discarded the call anticipated of legislative elections, anticipated for October of 2013, because " the town wants changes and not elecciones". Source of the news: Greece announces a new real estate tax to collect 2,000 million Euros


Charles Burnier _ Conheo the Dr. Charles! _ Very well! They could you in giving many details to them that would be of great utility pra to place a salafrrio behind the gratings, for at least one hundred years! In the gone one to the well, we summon Mr. Bonifcio and the welders to also go. When they turn the monumental workmanship that was one year underneath of feet of them, had been so apalermados that they had only made to gesture. I affirm that you he will be magic with the workmanship and history. If Mr. Bonifcio is guilty, has been so good actor who deceived in them to all. For this reason, volume the ousadia to risk a palpite, saying that I do not believe the guilt of it.

Non-observance or recklessness, perhaps, but guilt, I find difficult very. I was clearly? _ Very clearly, delegated! It does not believe the guilt of the Boni, but it does not put the hand in the fire, and good pokes of ear pra to be more careful Certain? _ Only one coisinha, is one cidadezinha small pacata of the interior and is difficult somebody here to believe that facts of this nature can happen _ With three commission agents Exactly assassinated? _ According to Mr. Bonifcio, Mr., Dr. Carlos, was well clearly that they would have to be well far from these subjects, and seems that it obeyed. Moreover, if it was taking care of of the service of it, that is, of the interests of its company, he could not have time to put the nose in what he was not of the account of it! _ Commission agent, if all the lawyers were as Mr., or the world would be full of criminals for the streets, or only the true criminals would be in the chain.