Business Responses To Climate Changes

There is a difference of perception and prevention in developed countries against those who just have their way towards their development, especially now when we all know the role that Earth has created the world climate change. Already countries like the United States are providing as climate change affects the behavior, social and economic responsibility of business. Serious concern, as in the Venezuelan case that concerns us, the national government still no longer say business sectors, have not become aware about the current role of climate and its impact on the environment, such as dynamic actors companies and all that it is generating and precautivas measures to be taken in this regard. We called a lot of attention to the valuable report that provides Universia Knowledge Wharthon, in a letter on this issue, where Wharton faculty and other experts say that companies should use a combination of internal and external resources, always to Later, seeking not only to manage the risks of climate change, but also gain competitive advantage. Know specifically deal with this reality. Hence, it appears, than for large firms in the U.S. and other countries respond to climate change “is no longer optional, as noted by Paul Kleindorfer, emeritus professor of Operations Management and Information Wharton. “Increasingly, shareholders and non-governmental organizations act decisively and objectively in the sense that companies, at least, understand their impact on the environment.” With all three presidential candidates support the legislation known as cap-and-trade which sets a ceiling on emissions and create a free trade market for right shares issue, the arrival of rules favorable to the preservation of environment is a “certainty” adds Eric Orts, director of Project Global Environmental Leadership at Wharton (Initiative for Global Environmental Leadership.) We report the Bulletin Wharton Universia-Knowledge, which according to a 2007 report from Lehman Brothers investment bank in Manhattan, companies must take into account not only exposure to the rules, but also their vulnerability to physical effects of warming global competition from other companies and exposure to its reputation, including the risk of possible legal action.

Devastating Earthquake

The 8.8 Quake on the Richter scale which struck our country in an extension of more than 450 kilometers in length, has denuded not only its soil, shores and thrown its buildings, also has left exposed the dark side of our society tremendously unequally, envious, and full of odiosidades, which emerge only in extreme situations. Banditry in devastated villages, looting in major cities, is not more than the dark soul of a disguised people on a deceptive garment of world brands, which makes us see all peers in the streets, the mall, but whose soul of those who wear these garments, is totally different from what everyone thought as a virtue of our society, solidarity. The solidarity that we understand in these last moments of the cataclysm, create chains help, telethons, volunteer, is not solidarity expressed in its very nature. Solidarity is a virtue that is intrinsic to the human being, which flourishes at times limits, is solidarity who at the time of the quake except a brother, a friend, a neighbor to a unknown to an animal, it is solidarity which gave his life on the other hand, is solidarity which to his own irrigation told the rest that they should flee to the hills because the sea was coming, solidarity la Nina de Juan Fernandez that to see that the sea rose to the island raised the alarm of disaster. It is that petty businessman, that perhaps solidarity account and irrigation of the people entrusted in, built buildings that fell or collapsed like sand castles, leaving many of them locked up or dying in masses of concrete. There are dozens of buildings in height that have collapsed in its foundations. I wonder if it is be supportive tell who bought an apartment, with the effort of a life, that this will be repaired with no guarantee that such a measure will be enough to guarantee a future earthquake damage. .

Irene Muravyova

Here are five mistakes that make single women (and men) during the initial phase of dating and relationships. If something sounds familiar – let's try to fix it! 1. If you think you are unworthy of love, it never will be. Many women after a series of fruitless meetings and partings believe that they have something fatal, 'nevlyublyaemoe'. They say a phrase like 'Who can I be needed? Clearly, I am doomed to loneliness.

On me a crown of celibacy (bad luck, such is the fate of where to go) '. Of course, we all deserve love! What do you think? But if you constantly repeat themselves about their evil share and print solitude on the forehead, this ratio begins to manifest itself in every word, every gesture and deed. In these women, betrays a doom mixed with timid hope and aspiration to make twice as much to keep the regular fans in spite of an evil spell. Result: we are working on relationships, clinging to railroad cars leaving trains, but not to be left alone. But if you start to convince myself the opposite – 'I'm so pretty (good, smart, erudite, charming, I'm just doomed to a lot of love'? "Maybe we should try auditory training, as did the 'most charming and attractive' heroine Irene Muravyova? To sweep away the defeatist thoughts, start with a simple: Keep a diary. Following the example of Bridget Jones fyrchite men, splash out bad thoughts down on paper and convince themselves its irresistible.

Bernes Comedy

Dreamy and romantic young man imagines himself a knight cloak and sword, for him the war is not serious. Yes, it is, then, shells exploding, there officers and soldiers – but all this is somehow close. Nearby, but not realistic. Eugene continues head in the clouds, occasionally returning to reality. And in one of these returns, he meets Genia Zemlyanikinu, signaller shelf "Katyusha". That's really who is on the ground with both feet and has no illusions about this state of affairs! Good, but raw, Genia, at first rather awkward laugh Eugene, desperately trying to hide their feelings. But gradually, she and hardened in the war, begins to thaw – so great charm cute intellectual Kolyshkin, brilliantly played by Oleg Dal.

Under this fascination of purity, innocence and openness of fall, perhaps anyone who speaks with a young soldier, his comrades to the Germans, to whom bungler Kolyshkin wanders into the New Year in search of your favorite candy for the girl of his dreams. Generally the film plenty of humorous scenes – you do remember, this is opportunistic in the project, the military comedy. I do not know what can be explained by the fact that any, even the most klishirovannye moves (drop accidentally hurt a bucket of water, dressing up in women's clothes and other) look in this film is not just appropriate, but as something very soft and even touching. This kind of magic, nothing else! Nevertheless, despite an abundance of fun little things ("The Artist Bernes looks like!" – said the war veterans of Colonel, who was himself Bernes and plays), and frankly ridiculous episode, called the movie a comedy would be wrong.


Bus departs at 9:30 am Saturday. The bus company usually planned to supply the bus 15 minutes before departure time. Organizer of the meeting was to worry when the bus did not come at 9:20. He rang bus company manager. Manager replied that all drivers are still asleep and will not until 11 am. It turned out that they have worked before with another group and returned at 2:30 AM, and by federal regulations they must have at least 8 hours of rest between trips. After explaining the reasons for the delay dispatcher hung up.

Organizer of the meeting caused a few taxis to transport your group to a previously appointed time – 10 am, when it should have been begin implementing these measures. Then he called again to cancel the bus. On Monday, he asked the bus company to return the money to him. However, the company required to pay all in full, as the bus was ordered. He was told that he was not entitled to a refund because the order on the bus was canceled less than 24 hours before the execution. After several weeks of phone calls and letters to the company nevertheless agreed to return the money. Six months later, the meeting organizer has received another check, and with an apology for the incident from the national manager of commercial bus companies. So, the bus company to recover all costs and paid more, but all well lose customers. After 6 months, the organizer has found another company and was pleased with her service.

Development Studio

Players can win 1,000,000 million. Start with big TV campaign on Sat1 Hamburg, March 29, 2011 the Hamburg-based game publisher INTENIUM launches on the occasion of a million game revenue per hour a large TV and online campaign. In March, we clocked for the first time over a million coins sales per hour on We want to allow our players to this success to participate and start the great ALAMANDI 1,000,000 million euro profit game therefore from April 11. Everyone can take part and has the chance to 1,000,000 euros with our wheel of Fortune”Florian Gross, senior product manager at INTENIUM. The comprehensive TV campaign on Sat1 is accompanied by extensive online and social media measures among others, and other partner sites.

Our female users appreciate the relaxing experience and are therefore extremely faithful to the platform. We accomplish far above average user lifetimes and were able to convince this other partners in Brazil, Poland and Russia by Alamandi”adds Florian Gross. About INTENIUM: INTENIUM GmbH focuses on the core target group of female players and is one of the leading publishers of casual games for the multiplayer, online and PC-in Europe. “The company headquartered in Hamburg, Germany operates world’s multiplatform games and series, above all Germany plays!”, SCREENSEVEN “secret cases”and MYSTIC GAMES”. INTENIUM is provided with own sales activities in UK, France, Benelux and Scandinavia-international. The game productions take place in its own Development Studio in Kaliningrad. ( press contact: Anne Schneider T + 494025494297 F + 494025494296