Vamos Promotes Young Artists

Illustrator competition of vamos parents kid travel Hanover, 10.05.2013 – colorful illustrations characterise for over 15 years the appearance of the catalogues of vamos parents kid travel. For the artistically designed cover art, the family travel specialist collaborated with renowned illustrators such as Rotraut Susanne Berner or Jean-Jacques Sempe. On the coming winter catalog, a young artist’s work be how in the past few years to see. Therefore Illustrator competition wrote vamos 3rd among students from four colleges of art. A professional jury selected the winners on May 7 and chose the design of a Hamburg student as next title picture. Invited the Hochschule fur Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig had the University of applied sciences of Hamburg, the Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel, as well as the Castle Giebichstein vamos, art College Hall.

The students sent 109 title suggestions, which faced the verdict of the jury. As jurors, vamos founder ULI Macoy was the children’s book authors and illustrators Jutta Bauer and Ingo Siegner, the head of Gerstenberg Verlag Daniela Filthaut, graphic designer Katharina Martini and Dr. Maria lens man, the head of the picture book Museum Castle Wissem in Troisdorf, win. Winner of the 3rd Illustrator competition are four students from the HAW Hamburg. “Laura by Husen won first prize for their proposal to the summer catalog: the design develops a strong emotional impact with his poetic imagery, the delicate colours and the lovingly crafted figures and leaves plenty of room for their own interpretation”, Maria lens man explains the decision. “With the second place, the jury Ricarda rewarded wall, the the theme of family travel ‘ has implemented imaginative, original and technically excellent.” “ULI Madden added: the image radiates warmth and happiness and is ideally suited for the next vamos summer song.” Two students share the third place: Eliot Duran’s design of a carefree summer holiday impresses with its reduced and high-contrast colour “and achieved a strong striking effect”.

With the winter image of Barbara Dziadosz, “the jury praises the humorous and original stylized representation of winter activities. This design is also the cover of the forthcoming vamos winter catalog of that appears on the 13.08.2013. Contact for inquiries and bookings vamos parents child-Reisen GmbH, Hindenburg Street 27, 30175 Hannover Tel. 0511 / 400-799-0 fax 0511 / 400 799 99,, press contact for more info, pictures and research trips Bettina Boll, Tel.: 0511-400 799 24, E-Mail: about vamos parents kid travel.-parents-child Reisen GmbH is Germany’s leading specialist for family travel. The owner-managed organizer has its headquarters in Hanover with two managing directors, 52 employees and about 200 children and guest workers. Quality of the offered parents kid travel features imaginative child care, small, personally run by the owners of the houses and the situation in the most beautiful European natural regions. Trips are taught to 95% in the direct marketing of the customer, where the personal telephone consultation is a trademark of vamos.

Current Economic Situation

In March, after the February break marked the revival of economic activity. Compared with February, the GDP rose by 0.2 percent. Compared to March 2009 GDP grew by 4.9 percent. In general, for I quarter 2010 growth sezonnovyrovnenny GDP grew 0.6 percent. Compared with previous quarters the pace of recovery is gradually slowing down (2% in III quarter and 1.7% in the quarter last year, IY). In annual terms, for I quarter 2010, according to preliminary estimates, GDP grew by 4.5% vs. 9.4% fall for the I quarter of 2009.

After three consecutive decrease in investment activity in March, investment growth has resumed. With the exception of seasonal increase in investment in fixed assets to February to March was 1.8%, but in general, for I quarter investment was 1.1% lower than in the IY quarter of 2009. This is mainly due to decreased activity in the building, where the decline in I quarter was 10.9 percent. In March renewed growth in the volume of work on activity "Construction" – by 1.4% compared to February. On an annualized basis for the first time since November 2008, an increase of investments in fixed assets and in relation to March 2009 an increase of 0.7 percent. However, this increase is mainly due to the sharp collapse in investment in early 2009.

Scope of activity "Construction" is still below last year's level by 5.1 percent. In March, abruptly collapsed housing construction decreased by 20.8% compared to March 2009. Monthly dynamics of industrial production remains highly volatile.

The Penal Code

In the brief commentary we will try to give answer to the question. I. original Text and use of Art. Read more here: Yahoo Finance. 317 of penal code of 1991 1.1. Original text. Without hesitation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation explained all about the problem. – The Penal Code I promulgate the 3 of April and I publish the 8 of the same month of year 1991 Being its original text and official edition the following one: Illicit grouping ARTICLE 317. – The one that comprises of a grouping of two or more people destined to commit crimes will be repressed, by only done, of being member of the grouping, with privative pain of nonsmaller of nor greater three freedom of six years.

When the grouping this destining to commit the genocide crimes, against the public security and tranquillity, the State and the national defense or the Powers of the State and the Constitutional order, the pain is nonsmaller of eight years, of one hundred eighty to three hundred sesenticinco day-fine and incapacitation according to the article 36 interjections 1.2 and 4. (1) 1.2. Use. – The text of the article that it precedes was effective from the 8 of April of 1991 to the 5 of October of year 2004. II.

Changes in Sumilla 2.1. Sumilla is not more than a species of aid memory that the Publishers of Penal Code began to place in the part superior of the text of the article and all this disorder and incongruity beginning during the use of the original text. Some publishers when publishing the Penal Code sumillaban correctly (very few) and briefed like sumilla- " Grouping ilcita" whereas the majority of publishers in the same original text wrongly began to place like sumilla- " Illicit association for delinquir". We only reach this conclusion reviewing different editions from the Penal Code, from 1991 to date and verified that the error is manifest not only in sumilla but mainly to the time to identify the penal type that contains Art.