Labs System

SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierer cut test better than leading strand – and micro inverter Munich, July 30, 2013 according to one from PV evolution Labs (PVEL) ver-shadow study conducted of the national renewable energy laboratory (NREL) exceed the strand leading SolarEdge-Leistungsoptimierer – and micro power inverter. The SolarEdge system brings a 1.9%, 5.0% and 8.4% respectively higher energy yield than the tested string inverters, light, medium and heavy shading of the PV system and is resorting to the performance of the micro power inverter. The test measured the so-called shading mitigation factors”(SMFs factors of reverse shading reduction), which indicate the percentage of energy recovery of Leistungsoptimierers or micro-inverter system compared to conventional Powertrain inverter systems. The SolarEdge system delivered a higher energy yield than the strand inverter system in all tests. The annual average won the SolarEdge system 24.8% of the energy lost through shading back, the micro-inverter system only 23.2%, confirmed Matt Donovan, Project Manager field when PV evolution Labs. Leistungsoptimierer by SolarEdge tracking the maximum power point (MPP) at the module level and lessen the shipping shading losses occurring in harness or central MPP tracking. Leistungsoptimierer can also follow already the MPP of a module as opposed to micro power inverter at voltages from 5 V. This ability allows SolarEdge, to optimize engine performance even with strong shading.

The NREL ver shading test results confirm our earlier statements”, says Joachim Nell, General Manager of Central Europe at SolarEdge. The SolarEdge system offers the most powerful energy management at the module level, whereby the costs significantly lower than those of other solutions at the module level.” For further analysis of the results, please click here: about SolarEdge technologies SolarEdge technologies offers comprehensive solutions to optimize performance by Solar products and PV monitoring, which can be maximized energy production and the application faster return on investment. The Leistungsoptimierer by SolarEdge offer MPPT for each module, while at the same time to monitor the performance of the modules. The highly efficient SolarEdge inverter is specially designed for use with the SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierern. The SolarEdge system offers optimal performance, a flexible design and ensures the best possible utilization of the roof area. Through the electronic products can be serviced at module level better and the SafeDC mechanism provides for better system security. SolarEdge you will find on the Internet at

Western Europe

The new English coat of arms was a place both warring colors. But breeders have successfully brought the damask roses form Versicolor – a colorful variety, sometimes called York and Lancaster, in which the one branch has white, pink and mixed pink and white double flowers. Thus, in England reigned heraldic and real conciliation between the parties. In France, Louis VII was the emblem flower of iris, and in times of Louis XIV became the queen of a heraldic lily: to turn even money were made in the form of gold and silver lilies. France for a long time the country was called Lily, and the king – the king of lilies. Prior to 1328 represented the emblem of the lily French Capetian dynasty. The vacant post of King of France claimed the King Edward III of England dynasty of Lancaster. The French rejected the feudal lords and Edward was elected to the vacant throne, Prince Philip VI Valois.

Englishman offended radically changed its English coat of arms, putting back the French lilies. The symbolism of coats of arms in those days was so great importance and influence, that even had special Position Herald and geraldmeysterov, to monitor compliance of signs and symbols on the arms and emblems. Even a very influential and wealthy nobles could not change them yourself. As a result, violent (self) of an Englishman known in the history loosened the Hundred Years War (1337 – 1453 years). And if not for Joan of Arc led the war against the invaders and forced in the end to remove the French lilies with the English coat of arms uncontrolled Englishman could plunge France. Thistle (thistle) is a component of the Scots and the emblem symbolizes the strength, tenacity, resilience. In Scotland, there is an old legend, tells the story of confrontation between local people to foreigners, who arrived with the intention to conquer the coast.

Enemies of the night surrounded the camp of the Scottish soldiers, but one of the opponents ran in the dark on a thistle. Cry of surprise and pain, he immediately alarmed the Scots, who have strongly resisted and defeated the enemy. The emblem of Scotland showing off the form of milk thistle, milk thistle, or the Virgin, which found only in Western Europe. The coat of arms of Canada – the country's maple leaf – there is a Scottish thistle, the Welsh daffodil, rose and English – so the composition was established and the Canadian State. Rose is also the national flower of the United States and Iran. Scarlet roses – unofficial emblem of Bulgaria, tea rose yellow – the emblem of the Chinese capital Beijing. In Japan, at the end of VIII century BC chrysanthemum became the national emblem of the state. Image 16 – the golden imperial chrysanthemum petal is the foundation of the national emblem and the country's highest award – the Order of Chrysanthemum. The ancient images in heraldry are the flowers of chrysanthemums, roses, lilies, lotus, burdock, carnation, daffodil, bell, daisies, buttercups, poppies, tulips, lily of the valley and edelweiss. In heraldry the more modern and young countries of tropical orchids image appeared, "Victoria regii" – giant water lily, which is part of the state flag of Guyana. Mallow coat of arms adorns Nepal. Petal – amateur floriculture