Secretary General

These messengers scratch hours of their time to take to the most needed our society helps, company and affection. We have already assumed that the exclusive and main exercise of the integral development of the person and the society is incumbent on exclusively neither to the State nor to the political parties nor to the diverse religious confessions. He is the human being with his family and his friendly, in his surroundings with his free culture and its options in he brings back to consciousness that, must be the protagonists of their integral development. The imposition will always fit the cooperation but never that does not respect the freedom, brings back to consciousness, justice and the right fundamental to look for the happiness, because the human being has been born to be happy. And the happiness cannot prevail of form some. If to be happy, in last instance, it is to be able to do what one wants, the way happens to want what one freely it does. And the happiness, of any way we conceive that it, tends to the projection of the potentialities of the human being in a sensible development of which they approach to him most possible the fullness of his being like person.

Shared in common, etymological, it comes from solidus, Roman currency of gold, consolidated and nonvariable. The word solidarity talks about a reality signs hard and obtained by means of the assembly of diverse beings. Also of the responsibility assumed in solidum with another person or group. The people are united because they have brings back to consciousness of being people, beings abiertos to the others because they are encounter beings and nonmere isolated individuals, like accurately needs Lopez Fifth in their commentaries to Libro of the values. For that reason solidarity goes united with the responsibility and this one depends on sensitivity for the values.

These do not prevail but they attract and they ask to be realised. Solidarity, continues our author, it is only possible between people who in his bring back to consciousness feel the appeal of which she is worth the pain and bet for that reason. For that reason solidarity implies generosity, loosening, participation and strength. When we were united shared in common to others we see arise in our interior an unsuspected energy and a special joy that origin gives, generates, valuable ways of unit, scopes of freedom, understanding, cooperation and justice.

Red Cross

Intervention with students, which will be conducted in their homes, will begin at the time in which the family sought home care, which will provide a medical report in which home recovering from the student is justified by never less than 30 days. Completed this issue starts a process of assessment to determine the criteria to be followed when proceeding to the selection of students who must attend. This process will be done as quickly as possible, in order to minimize as much as possible in the time delay between the moment in which receives information from the application and the intervention. The criteria to evaluate are the following:-time of convalescence, from those who will be a year or more to those who will only be a month. -Level of education: first of 2 nd cycle of that and there will be handled until reaching kids. -Location of the family home: less than 30 kms or more. Pathology: chronic, acute +-family attitude: if it is or not favorable to the intervention.

Then set into operation the mechanisms aimed at carrying out this intervention: tell it to the family; put in relation to the Centre of origin; Open dossier; coordinated with teachers; advising families about the educational process that will be conducted with their children; etc. The novelty of the action which is carried out in the Principality of Asturias lies in people who care for the infant and primary education students and those that cater to students of secondary education. While in the first situation children are cared for by the Red Cross youth volunteers, prioritizing from higher cycles of primary education up to the infant, in the second case students are attended by teachers seconded to the hospital classrooms programme, with itinerant character, consisting of two professors from area of secondary education, moving up to the respective homes of studentsgiving priority to those who are of secondary education and, if circumstances permit, supporting students who complete secondary education or vocational training of medium grade and higher.