Media Agency Peter Nickel Supports Flood Victims In Pakistan

The Bad Vilbel-based media agency Peter helped a great idea for the flood victims nickel with 30 employees in Pakistan. We got together a large sum together, so that each one of us has contributed his fee for the donation on behalf of the Agency”, says Peter nickel, Managing Director of the bath Vilbeler media agency. The media agency has exposed a basic amount for the donation and each of the 30 employees contributed individually a small proportion of his salary to the lion’s share. Peter nickel says: “our core business is a chance to give customers from medium-sized and smaller companies to be present in the television and radio media for little money. As reported on the emergency in Pakistan, we have had the idea in our team, there a chance to give people quality of life to get back a piece.” The need by the flood disaster in Pakistan is great: according to UNICEF, only nine million children suffer the consequences of the floods. And it be more every day. Nickel information about Peter’s media agency, see or or by phone: 0 61 01 / 55 99 00 or by email at info@m-pn.

Is The Savings Account At All Yet Contemporary?

Savings book past and present! Still one of the favorite forms of investment in the German (almost 1 third still sit on it) is the savings book, but still worth a savings account? The elder”among us know the good old savings account as a solid, safe and also lucrative investment. Interest rates up to 6% pa. were in and for the children and grandchildren I can deposit here but comfortably regularly since the Scion is happy times.Now everyone should have discovered but that 6% do not so readily to achieve. Today, the interest rate is rather between 0.1% and up to 1.55% p.a. for savings. If then the current inflation of 1.9% against, this is more a negative business principle is the passbook credit to the Bank, for which I get interest.

Since the banks but also anticipate and plan need to, long term explained also, why a savings account is not very flexible. Who wants to face because all of a sudden the situation, having to pay back its loan overnight ?!? You won’t and the banks certainly not! The payouts are limited to maximum 2,000 per month and I want more, I have to quit. “Then you are waiting still 3 months money now again the question: this is still up to date??” Passbook – interesting alternative as first should be everyone in clear, how long he would like to create, how much risk he can cope with and the system to be as flexible! Funnily enough funds to savings accounts are more than 10 years. If it brings in so much time an investment guarantee fund but perhaps would be a real alternative. Little risk, the more interest as at the savings and flexibility it is also no risk you don’t have time like to and’s should also be flexible, then the trail leads to the day money account. Here I get of course not much more interest, but I can have a day my money, without any restrictions.

For gamers”there’s the equity funds high yield potential, very flexible, but of course, always the risk that sometimes what can go wrong. There are alternatives! There is now also a very interesting combination of return chance, little tax burden and high flexibility. Here there is pension insurance fund based on that but have an option on a one-off payment of the entire capital. The background is that a pension can make no negative, i.e. the total loss is excluded here. Because the whole thing is but fondsbasiert, I have the chance 6% pa here entirely depending on the chosen Fund. And the latest in this product is that up to 1,000 remaining capital with daily availability, withdraw his money can be. A true alternative! Although many still on the passbook hold, you see, there are better u0085