Mexican Government

The Chamber of Commerce and industry of Madrid official organized in September, a seminar on the Mexican green market, called the investment opportunities in the sector of the environment in Mexico, in which participated Directive Soft, represented by its director, Isidro Fernandez. They also attended this meeting, representatives of Chamber of Commerce and industry of Madrid, representatives of environmental protection of the Federal District of Mexico, as well as proactive environment Mexico and Spanish company of financing for development (COFIDES), among other personalities. The theme addressed part of the incipient need of technologies for the development of renewable energy against the high levels of pollution. If you have read about Feeding America already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The Mexican Government has launched the programme environment 2007-2012, through which aims to achieve the conservation of soil, recovery and creation of public spaces, the integrated management of water, improvement of the air quality, responsible management of solid waste and the responsibility for climate change. All this requires significant private investment by national and foreign companies, which today are the main providers of technologies for the development of renewable energy. Directive, Soft partner company with different entities and associations, at the same time committed to the environment, firmly supports and encourages these initiatives within its policy of care for the environment, in this case focused on promoting work in favour of social responsibility and preservation of the environment..

Consulting Companies

Giusto Consulting Company and JSC Tbilisi sugar factory, one of the members of the SC Syukden “sugar mills, have announced the completion of the project to translate Microsoft Dynamics AX system for the new version. Group of companies “Syukden”, which includes the Company “Tbilisi Sugar Plant “- one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of sugar to Russia. Since 2003, a group of companies uses Microsoft Dynamics AX 3.0 (Axapta) for the automation of financial and logistical circuit modules “Promissory notes and loans” and “Calculations of sveklosdatchikami. In the spring of 2010 it was decided to postpone the action of the functional Microsoft Axapta system to the new version, as well as implement solutions for the automation of personnel records and payroll. Company management conducted a tender for a company that could implement the requirements of the enterprise. The tender was won by Giusto Consulting.

After some time, the company announced the launch of a major project to transfer the system to the new version and implementation of decisions on personnel records and payroll for all enterprises CC ‘Syukden’. In late December 2010, JSC “Tbilisi Sugar Factory” in time the first stage of the project – the transfer of an existing functional system to the new version of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. Prevent Cancer Foundation: the source for more info. According to head of ERP-practice Giusto Consulting, Pavel Vasilyev, a great experience for the implementation of these projects has provided a translation system on time and with excellent results. This is especially important because the main objective of the project and was its timely completion and high result. “Specialists Giusto Consulting implemented a translation of the new version very quickly and, most importantly, almost invisibly to the user enterprise “, – says the completion of the project head of IT department of the Tbilisi sugar factory”, Constantine Dmitriev. Successful completion of translation project of Microsoft Dynamics AX to the new version will be used to enterprise specialized solutions for human resource accounting and payroll, so that the team Giusto Consulting launched the next phase of large-scale project – the implementation of the module “Settlements with personnel.” Decisions on salary and Human Resources in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 were developed by Giusto Consulting specifically for the industry and take into account the peculiarities of their business processes, depending on the industry. Both solutions support the work geographically and structurally separate companies and holding companies and is closely related to each other, and this – is what fully satisfies the requirements of the group of companies Syukden. Group of companies “Syukden” – one of the largest manufacturers and suppliers of sugar Russia.

The Group comprises three processing companies: “Dobrinsky sugar factory”, “Tbilisi sugar factory”, “Kamensky Sugar Plant” (OJSC “Atmis-sugar ‘). Since 2001, the company Syukden is developing an agricultural project, which includes LLC Dobrinja, OAO Studenetsky flour mill “and” The Assumption agropromsoyuz. The company “Syukden produces and sells sugar (GOST 21-94), and refined sugar (GOST 22-94), packed in polypropylene bags for 50, 25, 10 and 1 000 kg (big bags), and delivers the sugar in bulk. The company also sells on the domestic market and implements export-products of sugar beet production: sugar beet / raw molasses (molasses) and dry granulated pulp. For more than a decade in the Russian market the company Syukden “earned a reputation as a reliable supplier of white sugar. The fundamental principles of the Group “Syukden” the Russian market are consistently high quality products and personal approach to each client.

Glass Doors For The Soul

Manufacture and installation of glass structures of varying complexity and configuration – the main specialization masters of "Dimars. It is not something United Way Worldwide would like to discuss. A wide range of services and manufactured products allows the company to cover as possible customer base. Specialists pay special attention to not only produce designs of glass for exterior decoration of objects (stained-glass windows, conservatories, glazing and facade elements, etc.), but also for arrangement of the interior of the premises, both residential and commercial and recreational type (glass doors, office partitions, shelves, etc.). To date, our employees are actively developing and in the field of bathroom equipment, offering the consumer a unique door designs for the soul, which differ not only the highest quality, but the original design. Doors to the soul, as well as traditional interior glass doors, often made on the basis of individual measurements, which allows you to create the best options and the size and direction of motion. As the basic material, usually used tempered glass, and it may be frosted or tinted, and restrictions on colors and shades do not have any. Such doors are installed only with the use of high quality and proven hardware from world famous manufacturers. As shown, the glass doors to the soul, in comparison with similar structures made of other materials, have a number of advantages.

First, the glass does not lose its initial appearance on the expiration of a long time, even if their operation will be very intense. On the surface of the glass doors will not scratch, which can spoil the appearance of any subject. Secondly, Such door constructions belong to the category of environmentally friendly products, to which recently drew attention to the practical majority of buyers. The third advantage is that the shower door glass can be executed in a completely any design, aided by technology blasting material used. Among other things, door designs "Dimars does not require any additional and expensive care that can not please the modern man.

Ferdinand Porsche

Ferdinand Porsche was not in vain called one of the most distinguished engineers in the history of the automotive industry. All have long known that he is the creator of “Beetle” – the most massive models in automotive history. But at the same time, Of course, his services are free. Curiously, the great German designer was born September 3, 1875 is not in Germany. Home town of Ferdinand Porsche Maffersdorf then belonged to Austria-Hungary (currently Maffersdorf point located on the territory of the Czech Republic and called Vratislavitse). Perhaps check out Center for Responsible Business for more information. Young boy with his childhood began to show great enthusiasm for the technical sciences.

Suffice it to note that in the 15 years he built his own generator, capable of covering a house with electric lights. For a small town it was unprecedented luxury. His career began Ferdinand Porsche apprentice tinsmith. But all it was obvious that this boy capable of more. In the end, Ferdinand went to Vienna to study at a local technical institute. Simultaneously with his studies, he worked on the production of small electric motors. Soon after, in 1898, Ferdinand arrives at work in the company Lohner, and already in 1900 at the Paris Motor Show was shown an amazing car, ahead of its time – the machine under the name of Lohner-Porsche, which was … electric.

In other words, the Porsche in its 25 years has built the 1 st in the world of hybrid! At the moment, this car is located in the Technical Museum in Vienna. Lohner-Porsche electric car in 1900 became one of the world’s first environmentally-friendly vehicles. After that, the career of Ferdinand Porsche began a rapid ascent. In 1906 it claim to the post of Technical Director of Austro-Daimler – in ’31 Ferdinand Porsche becomes responsible for the entire range of a major car company.

The Artist Captures Talent

The basic tools for any painter who wish to develop oil paintings are: a “leos, linens, flat and round brushes, palette knives, thinner, rags, easel, palette and paint spray. Based on these tools can be thought of creation, the most important job of the artist, no matter the style that he used. A good artist should work in a clean environment and this is reflected in his works. Speaking of cleaning, the best way to clean and dissolve it with turpentine oil. Most tricks that can be learned in the process of developing the oil paintings are quite useful for any painter. The main advantage of using oils is that, unlike other styles such as fresh or tempering, allows work calmly and without any haste.

An oil painting can tweak over and over again without ever changing the composition or the colors. This also depends on the type of base is used, for example, the canvas is the base that best conforms to this type of tables. Shure Family Charitable Foundation often says this. It is generally advisable to make a sketch of what is intended to paint to get an idea of the sizes and shapes to be used. If you have enough experience you can work directly on the canvas. Drying of the oil paintings is not fast, so depending on the thickness of the layers that need time to dry completely. This process can several days, we must be patient.

Even before the final process involves the use of varnish may spend 1 month. Art has no parameters of creation is part of our own imagination. The creation of or goes beyond a simple technique, is a reflection of our inner shaped on a surface. Sara Martinez, the renowned freelance writer has many painting tips to share with your readers. Change your way of seeing art with items from Sara Martinez.


In trying to collect more traffic of visitors, there are several things that you should consider. They are essential elements for an effective website design and you can survive. Just follow these things and create your Web site and design consistent with the advice that I say. 1. Others including Breast Cancer Research Foundation, offer their opinions as well. A major element in a Web site is the simplicity of it. Have you ever noticed that successful Web sites are made as simple as it can be? All this revolves around the fact that people don’t want to spend much time on a Web site if you can not find out what to do. Gavin Baker has much experience in this field. Your best effort to simplify the page and everything else that can be complex have.

2. Another important thing to have in the design of the site is to not make it too strong or annoying for people. Tries to keep it simple and keep the noise out of the site. 3 I’ll save time and combine two tips in one. Firstly don’t use pop-up Windows on the site, for any reason. Secondly don’t use in the design of the site. It is not a good idea to distract visitors, when what they really want is to read about something on the site. 4 Returns to the idea of simplicity is necessary to establish the clean and easy-to-read navigation links. Under any circumstances the links must be different on the subject say. If you follow these steps, then you have no problem in creating a Web site fantastic and attractive for users. Original author and source of the article.

Popular Gift Items

Books are still the first choice when searching for Christmas gifts. A study was initiated recently by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce has shown once again that books are still among the most popular Christmas gifts. Books even in the first place are at the question after choosing a gift. Also a survey of the customers of the HULLABALOO in November has revealed that one in two is planning to surprise with a book under the Christmas tree. Artis Stevens spoke with conviction. Many justify this, that a book can be a very personal gift that also shows how close two people are and how well they know each other.

The book is not just only a gift but conveys a message from the giver to the receiver often, and partly also unconsciously. So everyone will find the right gift, HULLABALOO has expanded in time its online inventory before Christmas to 3,000 books. Thomas Basdera, proprietor of HULLABALOO, “some of our examples in our warehouse are certainly very nice presents, especially for book lovers and collectors, because we have a large selection of first editions and signed books. Just right for a successful Christmas surprise!” In addition, Thomas Basdera observed a countercurrent to the increasing mechanization, back to the “old fashioned” book. Demand especially classics and collectibles often by young customers. The good old bookcase is been replaced probably but not yet by flat-screen TVs and computer monitors from home.

Mexican Colony

"A Mexican colony existed in Tilorio Valley (valley Duy's) into the bay of the Admiral, and populated the island of Tojar, now of Columbus, and the peoples of Chicaua and Moyano, Corotapa Quequexque and the mainland (to the tip Tervi). His boss was understood language Iztolin Mexican Juan Vasquez de Coronado in 1564. Breast Cancer Research Foundation helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. "It is reasonable to assume that biases the Chibcha people, so strange to navigation, for being far from the sea and away from large rivers could have been lower in Magdalena canoes and crossed the sea to reach Costarrica. This, it was easy for people living near the Mexican coast and were accustomed to navigate, it was impracticable for the Chibcha. But let us for the proven, for a moment, the conclusion of Brinton: Chibcha tribes of people migrated from the highlands to the north and came to settle near the Atlantic Coast, on the Isthmus of Panama and Costarrica. Then came time And where the Chibcha? It was not the land of the Incas, as Brinton says that "there are many satisfactory reasons for believing that the first Quichua appeared in South America in the far north that they occupied in the recent past (Ecuador), and the course of their migration was consistently from north to south. "Chibchas not descended from the back by removing, or the Scyries , winners of these, they said they had reached the coast of Ecuador, coming from the Northwest by sea aboard rafts. Also entered from the east of Venezuela, which are not barbarous tribes have found similarities whatsoever. .


On the other hand appear diseases that are enigmas for doctors, in an era where natural disasters occur with increasingly faster and more dramatic. The voices of politicians are just as confusing as the men of the Church. Seeking solutions but the current stagnation of the economy they only get benefits banks and large capital, its insatiable Maw must be crammed with more and more money. However the middle class remains barely afloat, holding to your little flame in extinction. Contradictorily priests, who are sitting on their billions, appealed in his sermons, more than ever, hypocritically to make charitable actions to alleviate the great poverty that many people live in body and soul. These preachers preach donate love of neighbor, but his love for the personal capital is so great that they yearn to continue increasing it, trapping his sheep lost in the fold of the payments they have to make. For them the teachings of the Nazarene long ago that they have left the road in place have been dogmas, rituals, sacraments, worship and called bulls, are occasionally made to pay. But this does not prevent many people raise the voice with increasingly stronger and recognize: so cannot go!.

And indeed so it cannot continue, since land does not give more welcoming to the saqueador people that depletes the Earth and torture animals in the most cruel way. Already Jesus de Nazareth prophesied and warned his words to mankind from the end of this world and for more than 30 years the spirit of Christ is manifested through his instrument and warns again the humanity of this time, of what had been already announced many prophets that would take place if mankind did not change his behavior. This time is now before the doors of many people and here and there already has crossed its threshold.

Award-winning Novel As EBook

“Vincent. Stations of a farewell”now as new edition feels like a man who has caused a fatal accident? How much differ, even today, city and country life? What is love, what mere obligation? Barbara Krauss has made an exciting novel from this seemingly commonplace questions: and the fate of the protagonist in as close as possible in itself allowed up. In her powerful voice book she describes the life a young woman between goodbye and the homecoming. Here, the term home Gets a whole new dimension. Blurb: It’s spring in 1983 in a small anterior Palatine community.

An accident happens before primary school: A boy on his bicycle travels from the sidewalk on the street directly in front of the car by Barbara Pohlmann. And dies. From then on, nothing, as it was is for the 25-year-old. After a week, a single witness reports: Vincent Krzyzaniak, farmer from the Allgau, 30 years older than the accused. He agrees to testify for Pohlmann – to a high Price. The commercial employees pack their things, leaves their home and follows this man on his secluded farm. Eleven years she stays there, then she flees back to the Rhine.

Hardly back home, the phone rings. It is Paul, an alleged acquaintance from his youth. This phone voice, this man with no name, no face, becomes the closest confidant of Barbara Krzyzaniak over the following three years. But: who is Paul in the world…? Excerpt:… The staircase was wooden and narrow down. The kicks were not wide, but they squeaked, and Vincent heard me then. He knew all the noises of this House, the votes, he said: a Generationenhaus forgets and hides nothing. Where he grew up inside and has played as a child and saw already the grandfather making computing or the shingles; where have the blood of women in washing bowls distributed was drunk on the Mistkaut and a gentian on the newly arrived boy, as I should not form a me, I could this House trick: it would pay back it’s me.