Curriculum Comparison

The evaluation will then consider the development of specific skills in each area covered by the curriculum, which can be displayed only if we consider the thought processes that are the core competencies of the cognitive dimension, as they allow consolidate the elements to process information rather than rote fashion itself but with the aim of favoring the resolution of problems, namely its use in a functional way in life. Thus, for the first grade the child should be able to relate what and how of a situation, you can do it through observation and description. In second and third must meet, in addition to the differences and similarities through comparison. In fourth and fifth to the possible relationships that emerge. All this passed through the conceptualization, which alludes to the significance of the concepts learned. It should be note that these settings are only to give the possibility to perform the necessary analysis and are not a straitjacket in the development of students. It is important to note that these concepts: observation, description, comparison, relationship, classification, conceptualization and problem solving are in order of complexity, which means that if a student is not able to make a comparison, can not respond to a question conduct involving a relationship, that the same level of complexity of the processes. It is precisely from such items that a student may face the formulation of hypotheses and the analysis and argument through questions like: What if …? , Why …?, and what are the characteristics of …..? Knowing this process allows the professional work as teachers, not just focus on the content or knowledge itself, but point to the development of thought processes that are the display will enable the development of mental processes that the student uses and that encourages the attainment of specified knowledge.