Bertrand Russell

Monocracia on the contrary, the Foundation is the will of the sovereign. With a wide field of history Graeco-Roman, Cicero comes to the conclusion that only the courts can do that the Government of the Republic. It is clear, however, they have common concerns: Cicero analyzes the works of two Greeks. Aristotle is a critic of Plato, which is implicit Cicero is critical of both. With the distance, communication and difficult to transport, far from the complex problems facing States today, making a reduction to the philosophical principles that are second to none, and are being studied as bridges for access to the modern and contemporary theories of the Justice. In conclusion, that two of these principles is in Plato and Cicero as most important element of the notion of Justice in the stability of the State. At the same time, Aristotle establishes the concept of Justice (Nicomachean Ethics) in equity.

The two will join the democratic justice, which is updated, of course, its contents. Bertrand Russell, reported that the main purpose of the book the Republic of Plato, is to define the concept of justice. The word justice has much more content that Socrates as Plato joined Justice and equality (democracy), the other used as a synonym for Justice (law) Act. In fact, Plato introduces a new version of Justice, which is not based on the Socratic principle of equality, the Platonic ideal as equal opportunities to the different powers between the different people who belong to the Hellenic Republic, to see that it is not an injustice, because the power and privileges of the tutors (rulers) and the rest of the citizens would be established by a law in the first place. Injustice would only be when someone wiser than the guardians were away from the direction of the Faculty of the Government of the Republic or if the citizen does not agree with the decisions affect the Republic.