Corporate Portal Efficient Storage

Enterprise portal – is the primary point of information for company employees. This indicates that, ideally, all the data, adding files and have laid out here. Ie Ideally, all projects and descriptions of them need to veset portal, all regulations, standards, guidelines, news, descriptions, and all the rest is bound to have there. Files, data Have you ever thought why the files in shared directories is usually called “file dump”? The answer is simple: If users are working with files no rules, responding to questions of this plan: “What should be the structure of public folders?”, “How the files should be named?”, “where the files should be stored”, “How to archive files”, “How provide the case (as well as files and subsequently fired the employee) and others. Suppose you decide to use it as a corporate portal – sistematitizrovat documents in the enterprise. Assume that the firm, which adjusts your portal, or you have structured their forces and moved to a corporate portal with all the necessary information and not “transferred to the archive.

Of course, there is the question “What to do to corporate portal to die such a “dump” as “shared folders”. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to comply with such provisions: Implementation of the solution should have: a stiff structure and a flexible system expansion save as charging case files and other information when an employee leaves, is responsible for conducting and supporting relevant information. Employees of the organization must: be trained to interact with Know how to search documents be able to customize the presentation of information as they see it would be convenient to understand what to do if you find omissions in the work of a corporate portal or prompted by his Advancement System administrators obligations to have: the ability to detect unused data or information which is false feedback from users as to keep pace of each of the items and make an effective portal solution, I’ll discuss in future articles. Open in Google Docs Viewer Open link in new tab Open link in new window Open link in new incognito window Download file Copy link address Edit pdf File on