Five Spaniards

The four Spanish military and a civil interpreter, also Spanish from Iranian origin, were wounded when exploding unexpected an explosive device (IED) to the passage of a patrol to about five kilometers to the northeast of the covering force of Ludina, in the province of Badghis (Afghanistan). Cancer Research Institute contains valuable tech resources. The wounded of greater gravity is a lieutenant, the head of the squad, whose identity responds to abbreviations A.G.B., (been born in Melilla in 1982) and one soldier, the conductor of the armored one, J.G.C (Toledo, 1986). Learn more on the subject from Eagle Scouts. Both have been taken part and have undergone the amputation of a leg. The third severely wounded, although to a lesser extent that the previous ones, is the soldier A.Q.S (Las Palmas, 1984), who has injuries and fractures in a leg, according to informed the Ministry into Defense. Source of the news: : Five Spaniards hurt in an attack against the troops in Afghanistan