
My simple, modest comments in relation to the miners rescued in Chile is as follows: for me this event beyond that if the Chileans did, or another country – is the reflex live of what can make the species human when seen in situations of this kind. It is humanity that has triumphed, and not a specific town. I believe that in any country in the world I would have reacted the same way. And if it had been a country with few material and technological resources, had helped them to those who possess these resources. Unity in mankind makes itself present in these circumstances. The Pinera President, said that Chile has learned from this experience, you can do many things with the unit. But I think this goes beyond.

The human species (I would say) is that fight, when it is threatened by the same instinct for survival. And without trying to be a little fanciful, I would say: would have to pass something very, but very fantastic, so that humanity lost that sense of territorial individualism. I think and again I repeat without sinning of fanciful if humanity viera is threatened in its entirety by an intervention of alien order, all countries of the world should unite to fight against this. All kinds of territorial divisions would come down, and everyone would be one. As in the films of science fiction but without having to go to the fantastic themes, not very far away is the reality of environmental pollution. It would have to happen an environmental disaster, so that humanity, hopefully not later be a to overcome this event. Changing the subject. Today day have been able to appreciate some comments in the El Comercio newspaper about Jaime Bayly of Television output (for the time) some say: well, others say, that as already ended the election campaign, it is no longer profitable to have it on television.

Others say: penalty, others say: not had hairs on the tongue aj that disgusting, I can not imagine having hairs in the language. In particular, to my me fell type well. (While a friend told me that you can not be with God and the devil) but is not to be with him. When commented on their programs, I’ve always tried to say in everything that did not agree with him. But the scenarios are different, some have more audience than others. And there is the danger. When Jaime attacking the Catholic Church, he had every right to do so, as I also have every right to disagree with him. But as I repeat the scenarios are different. And what we have to recognize, is that thanks to God, that scenario no longer exists. Poor guy, but as I said: I fell well now only type I can see Rosa Maria Palacios. Original author and source of the article