New Zealand

These are somewhat more expensive than if you organized it themselves, but often feel the young travellers safer, not to take the “leap” on his own after Australia. It is yet to determine that the number of “eigenorganisierer” constantly increases. In the era of Internet the backpackers of tomorrow can provide already online with all the necessary information, so there for example, eBooks, videos, preparatory seminars and Australia workshops, which significantly facilitate their own planning and organization of such a trip one. In the recent article on, the still relatively young work and travel online magazine, Fabian describes Linge in detail what options it has to prepare a work ‘n travel in Australia. There, you can learn what is exactly included in the so-called work ‘n travel Australia packages of travel organization, which costs one and what are the 13 best in his opinion and especially helpful Web sites on the subject of “Travel and work Australia”.

The full article can be found here:… All travel and work being dealt with in the magazine in countries, such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or the increasingly popular Asian countries. About in the popular online travel magazine each week related topics to the work and travel are handled by the preparation and decision-making up to detailed step by step instructions..