Repair Your Credit Score Yourself

There are multiple reasons why we have a 700 + credit score, but these five facts will definitely give you the big picture and is expected to take to try to fix your credit score starting today. Fact # 1: Did you know consumers with credit scores of 700 + can see the interest rates of up to four points less than those with scores under 640. Fact # 2: People with credit scores below 620 will not get approved for a mortgage of 97% of the time. Therefore, if this is your case, you have to keep the car forever! Fact # 3: Interest rates for jumbo loans in the market today are as low as 5% in interest-only loans, 10. Only consumers with FICO scores of 720 +. Do the math.

Fact # 4: Did you know that you can finance a new car for a maximum of 60 months at 0% APR, if your credit score is 700 +. Fact # 5: Did you know that there are companies that offer multiple credit cards 0% APR not only for balance transfers, but for purchases of up to 18 months … Of course, when you have a 700 + credit score. Imagine the possibilities! Copyright e 2005 – All Rights Reserved Carmen Shearer is the President and CEO of S & S Financial Solutions. She has worked in the field of finance for over 10 years and holds two engineering degrees and an MBA from a branch of the Harvard Business School. S & S Financial Solutions offers you credit repair tools and information with a lifetime warranty.