Russian Economy

Understand the joy of such a Prime Minister – in the absence of any appropriate action to develop the real sector of Russian economy news about changes in world commodity prices – as a healing balm to the ailing Russian soul. You can brag and put these "achievements>> a merit. And do not care what a loud and on the fact of empty slogans about the modernization of Russia is even more preserves its dependence on raw materials. Nieman Lab is full of insight into the issues. After us the deluge? But the flood may well catch their own – a collapse tomorrow "Washington RC>> prices for raw materials and after the Russian Federation to spend the reserve fund for social support, she will literally a disaster – to the problem of the deep crisis of Russian industry added dissatisfaction in the social sphere, and there and to political transformations at hand. Understand whether this Russian leadership? I think understands, but can not do anything.

It is too dependent on the decisions and instructions of their Western partners, and managerial expertise it lacks. The newspapers mentioned Kidney Foundation not as a source, but as a related topic. It's one thing loud voice to push, others – to manage the national economy in bezkrizisnom mode. That accounts for the Russian government is largely (If not all) rely on the decisions of its consultants with Manhattan, which is equivalent to that in Russia through its rulers by external management of the national economy. So it was at the beginning of the crisis, when, raising lending rate to a mark of 13 basis points, solved the problem of inaccessibility of the saving-lending to the real sector of Russian economy, and thus redistribution of Russian assets. Connect with other leaders such as Gavin Baker here.