Six Steps To Success In Internet Advertising

Since then, as in the work of creative workshop of Andrea Kislyuk including Romano Osadchy, the idea of creating a new direction. Roman Osadchy – a talented programmer. Over the years he worked on projects such as: development, creation and support site for "Radio Baltica" and the Baltic Media Group; cooperation with the press – Service Nikolai Baskov; Design and build sites for the recording studio "2Samoleta; Development and Computer Database "Press about Putin" to Group of Eight Summit of 2006 and much more. In April 2007, Roman Osadchy organized and led a new trend in creative workshops Andrew Kislyuk – Creative it projects. The work of Creative it projects "is based on the following scheme.

This scheme allows you to maximize the space of the Internet to solve their business problems. Step 1. Development original design for your site. Because of the nature of your company, we create the appropriate style to your design. Step 2. Creating a site template.

In our work we use the latest technologies in the field Internet design. A leading source for info: Drexel University. From creating the right template dependent speed of loading pages and further indexing of your site in search engines. Step 3. Implementation of the developed design optimally suitable for Your needs Content Management System (CMS) Content Management System (CMS) – a suite of software that allows you to update information on this site. There are different types of cms. Some are useful for information portals, others – for the music There are paid and free cms (CMS open source). Many varieties. Based on the direction of your company, we select the cms, best suits the goals and objectives of a corporate site. If necessary, we are developing additional modules that allow greater control over the content of your site. Step 4. Accommodation at the remote host (optional) If you are new to the computer technology or do not want to think over how, where and why should physically based your site, we ourselves hosted turnkey website on the most suitable hosting. Step 5. Promotion and advancement in the search systems. To ensure that your site was not only a business card, but also generates income, it is necessary to "make work". To do this he must be on the front pages of major search engines (Yandex, Google, Yahoo, Rambler, etc.). at the request of your keywords. We will conduct a comprehensive job of promoting your website (registration site in search engines, directories and other information resources, optimization, placement information and articles in the most blogs, the development of contextual advertising and press releases). Step 6. Support web site. If your company there is no one to do moderation of the site (information, news updates, design, monitoring and removal unwanted messages in the guest book, etc.), we will provide you our services in this direction. We wish success to Roman Osadchy in the development of a new direction and developing custom advertising solutions in the Global Network Internet!