Badminton Tournament

Surprisingly also the fact that bird flu has made adjustments, even in an international tournament in biathlon. Badminton Tournament India Open, which will be held in April in Hyderabad, India, was on the verge of collapse due to lack of flounces in the country. For more information see this site: Yahoo Finance. Deficiency of the main projectile badminton caused by a ban on imports of flounces from China which operates since 2004 for fear of the authorities, which together with shuttlecocks for badminton, which are used in the manufacture of goose feathers, a country can get the bird flu virus. Will Zapovednoe Ukok plateau without Gas pipes more than 5200 Russians have signed a petition to the Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Board of Directors of oao Gazprom, Dmitry Medvedev called for re-route the pipeline "Altai", which the company Gazprom, plans to lay through the natural park 'Ukok Quiet Zone'. It is planned that the pipeline "Altai" capacity of 30 billion cubic meters. meters of gas a year, will connect the Russian company with a Chinese supplier consumers of gas through the Ukok plateau, despite its special status of the regional natural park 'Ukok Quiet Zone'. According to ecologists, the survey work and the laying of the pipeline will require construction of additional infrastructure, including transport network that will result in irreparable blow Ukok nature. In addition, environmentalists are convinced that there are other alternatives to the pipeline route from Russia to China.

Russian Environmentalists hope that the call for more than five thousand citizens of Russia to preserve a unique plateau Ukok finally be heard. As noted by Valentine's Day Animals and our pets If Valentine's Day in Russia is only beginning to gain popularity, then around the world this holiday with a beautiful centuries-old history has become so popular that many inhabitants of our planet congratulate and express their feelings not only for its second half, but even your favorite pets. For example, Americans were willing to spend on Valentine's Day celebration for more than 17 billion dollars, 367 million of which will go to gifts favorite pets. Congratulate their pets with Happy Valentine's Day and decided to Leningrad Zoo: there prepared a special holiday program Valentine's Day, and all zoo visitors were invited to pamper pets in the form of edible valentines hearts. In addition, the celebration of the Valentine's Day in the Leningrad Zoo is not without its weddings: their relationship 'register' a pair of rats and a couple suricate. Often, people love their pets is so strong that no valentine not express affection and feelings of our brethren smaller. Thus, a resident of California in the United States was so grateful for his dog to save lives, that after the death of his four-legged friend retained its somatic (body-forming body) cells and contracted with a Korean company which is engaged in animal cloning.

'Revive' his favorite woman will cost 150 thousand dollars. Blacklist Gas station again replenished Someone cares about pets, and someone – the ecology of Moscow and the 'healthy eating' Moscow cars. In January 2008, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Moscow, together with ecological city police conducted a series of checks of petrol stations. We selected 77 samples of motor fuel at 22 gas stations. As a result of an administrative investigation four stations were fined for the implementation of fuel, relevant environmental requirements. All in all, now in the list of stations implementing the low-quality fuel, there are 40 companies.

European Commission

m green spaces, while in Paris the figure is 14 square meters. m in London – 12 square meters. m, while in Berlin – 10 square meters. m. It is from this year the European Commission was to determine the most green capital of Europe: this prestigious title is awarded for one year the most environmentally friendly cities in Europe that have achieved outstanding results in the field of ecology and environmental protection.

Green Capital of Europe 2010 year became the capital of Sweden , and the title of European Green Capital 2011 was awarded the German port city of Hamburg. Volcanoes have caused the extinction of life on Earth about half a billion years ago, volcanic Activity on the Earth destroyed about two-thirds of the living creatures on Earth. on most websites. Due to the volcanic activity spewed into the atmosphere huge amounts of greenhouse gases by increasing carbon dioxide concentration to the critical values – more than twenty-fold excess in comparison with today's value. The resulting greenhouse effect has helped maintain a warm climate on the earth for ten million years. Later, two-thirds of those plants and animals that do have adapted to such a warm climate, perished because of the coming cold snap of climate on the planet. For example, about fifty million years ago in the Arctic grew walnut trees and palms. Educate yourself with thoughts from Weston Foods. Researchers found that in those times when the climate even in the Arctic was warm enough, the minimum temperature in this region was not less than eight degrees.

Working Drawings

Planting a drawing, or landscaping plan, drawn up by the ordinate or squares. Planting the drawing is intended to transfer to the nature of sites of plants. Shall be based on a drawing dendroplana in the same scale, usually 1:500 scale. Ordinate method is to anchor seats of plants to the permanent lines or bases – the edge of straight roads, building walls, the lines laid between two existing trees, etc. The method squares is applied to the plan of the grid squares with sides of 3 5 m. The grid is applied to the plan and tied to the tracks, platforms, or the borders of the object. On boarding the drawing specified places placement of plants, indicating where and what size should dig a trench for planting trees and shrubs. Trees of one species show circles, denoting landing pit.

Number of trees of this group mark out the points (circles), indicating the landing pit. Ordinary tree planting is planned by a thin line along the axis of planting, and then designated seating plants dots (circles) on the set from each other distance. Planting pits for standard tree seedlings depicted in terms of size: 1,6-2 mm at a scale of 1:500; 4-5 mm at a scale of 1:200. For clarity, they can draw a slightly larger size. David Delrahim can provide more clarity in the matter. Landing pits for large-sized trees represent the larger circles.

Groups of shrubs and flowers, perennials on the drawing encircle the contour shown in dendroplane. The contour of the drawing easier. Trenches for hedges of shrubs on the plan shows two parallel lines. Deposited in the drawing room planting plants are tied to the borders of sidewalks, playgrounds or other planning elements whose position is defined layout drawings, and to time planting trees and shrubs are already enshrined in the locality. Angles curtain tied to nearby walkways or platforms. Landing pit, located within the curtain, are not specifically tied, and in-kind place approx. By the tracks and platforms are tied only to the most characteristically located extreme landing pit, which determine the position of the whole curtain. To bind the trees mark the distance between them and the extreme number of trees to specific anchor points on the plan. Individual trees directly tied to the tracks and other items met planning a garden. A group of shrubs and perennial flowers through its loop tie to the boundaries of the track or playground. In several of the most characteristic areas indicate the width of the band. Trenches and hedges tied to the tracks or pads with indication of its width. Squares method is applicable in cases when there are many small groups of shrubs, flowers, perennials and trees located between them. After transferring the grid to plan for its base draws the contours of the groups of shrubs and flower beds, mark out planting holes for trees. All sizes bindings put down along the axes of the stakeout, auxiliary lines, perpendiculars, going to certain planar structures.

Climate Conference

This once negotiations have been blocked in connection with the protest, which expressed the African Group, blamed developed nations in the intention to 'kill' the currently existing Kyoto Protocol. Later, the conflict has been settled and Representatives of G77, which includes developing countries, have returned to negotiations. Add oil to the fire during the climate conference, and environmental activists. In Copenhagen, took a lot of protests activists who demanded that the forum participants taking climate agreement. Climate Forum brought thousands of protesters in Copenhagen.

Activists of youth environmental organizations have stated that they intend to surround the Bell Centre, where the un Climate Conference, and not to let out without a prime minister and president signed the climate treaty. Later, Greenpeace activists managed to break through to the gala dinner, which gave the Queen Margrethe ii of Denmark in honor of Heads of State and Government participating in the climate summit. Environmental campaigners unfurled banners with the inscription: "Politicians say – the leaders are." By the end of the second Week forum more delegates un Climate Conference in Copenhagen was inclined to believe that the best option out of the impasse that emerged at the talks will be 'zero option' – to finish the meeting without taking no decision, and to reconvene in July in Bonn. Representatives of developing countries from the G77 group also performed with the proposal not to close negotiations officially, but only to interrupt them until July and has not taken any documents. K very close climate summit all members of the international un conference on global climate change, held in Copenhagen, still reached an agreement on climate.

Making America a Greener Place

Everyone can be greener. There are so many things we can all do to make the world a better place; to clean-up the environment and to save the planet.  It is therefore essential that we teach our kids how to do this from as young an age as possible.
So here are a few ways for us to teach our kids about being greener:

1.     Recycling:  If your kid does a drawing, make sure they use both sides.  Once they’re done with it (they’ve put it up or shown you, etc.), they should put it in the recycling bin.

2.     Travel:  Encourage your kids to walk or cycle as much as possible.  Try to use the car as little as possible so that they learn from your actions.

3.     Water:  Install a water filter and buy your children BPA-free water bottles so that your kids don’t need to be buying bottled water from the stores to be thrown away.

4.     Books:  Use the library; try to avoid buying books. When that’s not possible, encourage your kids to do book swaps with other kids.

5.     Clothing:  Encourage your children to go through their clothing before winter and summer and sort out what they will and won’t wear in the future.  With whatever remains, take them to a charity store to donate.

Ultimately, when our kids learn how to be eco-friendly, America and the world at large has a better chance of survival, step-by-step.