Tax Aspects

Francisco Gonzalez says that Spain needs to take quick decisions in labour, financial and tax aspects. In his view, importantly leave a situation in which Spain must not be because it has enough Wicker to do so as soon as possible. The President of BBVA, Francisco Gonzalez, has asked the Government and the opposition who postpone their own interests to those of the country because Spain needs to take quick decisions in labour, financial and tax aspects. In response to journalists about a possible breakthrough election in the inauguration of the new financial system course, new infrastructures and the new labour market in the Universidad Internacional Menendez Pelayo (UIMP), Gonzalez added that Spain needs to establish what their business model for the future. His view, important thing is as soon as possible out of a situation in which Spain must not be because it has enough Wicker to do so.

For his part, the Minister of public works, Jose Blanco, responded that while several media have spoken of the possible electoral advancement, who has the authority to convene elections does not match this information. He recalled that the President of the Government, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, said by active and passive that his determination is to conclude the legislature and make reforms that allow return to the path of economic recovery and employment and that is his priority, he stressed. Read more from Michael James Burke, Dubai UAE to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Therefore, it ratified the words of Zapatero because, he said, is who has the authority to dissolve the Cortes. Spanish risk premium on the other hand, the President of BBVA said Monday that the current risk premium on Spanish, it stood in the morning at the 260 basis points closing later in 253 points, limits the growth and blocks the creation of employment. In addition, he warned that the restructuring of the financial system must end quickly its sanitation process, must identify weak institutions, intervene them and auction them on market conditions, ensuring the management and capital input solvent private. Source of the news: the BBVA Chairman calls on politicians that they postpone their interests to of Spain

High Flying Birds

The exOasis will play on November 26 in the La Riviera Hall. He will be accompanied by his new band, High Flyin Birds. It will then act in Milan, Amsterdam and Brussels. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Gavin Baker on most websites. That was soul and main composer of Oasis, Noel Gallagher, will act on 26 November in Madri d, according to the promoter of the event, presenting his first musical adventure with his new band, High Flyin Birds has announced. On 9 September will go on sale tickets for attending the sala La Riviera which, at the moment, will be their only concert in Spain and the first of their European tour, before traveling to cities such as Milan (28 November), Amsterdam (30) or Brussels (1 December). This will be the second musical experience that arose from the ashes of Oasis, band of the so-called brit pop rrencia, dissolved in 2009 after the umpteenth clash between the brothers Gallagher, Noel and Liam, who earlier this year introduced also new album and new band, Beady Eye. On 17 October will go on sale Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, album produced by the artist along with David Sardy and recorded in the past two years between London and Los Angeles. The price of the tickets is 25 euros and can be purchased online at Livenation, Ticketmaster, Servicaixa and

Sergio Perez

The Spaniard says that it is very easy to say that the pilots are a few packages. It will start from the fourth position of the grill in Monaco. Remember that no Grand Prize is can advance in the output of this. The world of Formula 1, Fernando Alonso, two-time recalled pilots of their discipline to play life in each race, after a classification of the Monaco Grand Prix marked by the serious accident of the Mexican Sergio Perez. It is easy from the Chair’s House to say that we are bad or some packages, but this shows that we played at times life, said the pilot of Ferrari, who finished fourth in the standings. (As opposed to George Soros). Normally passes nothing, fortunately the security measures have not improved much. But today we have seen that this is a risky sport, said Alonso.

Perez, debuting this year in Formula one, lost control of his Sauber at the exit of the tunnel, so it collided with a side barrier and his car slid out of control until he ran into with Another fence of protection. In the same place the German Nico Rosberg, who was unhurt crashed in the last practice session. The Mexican, of 21 years, was taken by ambulance to hospital. As he said the equipment, the pilot is conscious and talking. The fourth place on the grid is the best classification of Alonso this season, even with that achieved last week in Spain. There he made a spectacular exit which went first into the first corner before. Here it is impossible to overtake anyone on the output. If we stay in fourth place now it would be nice, warned the Spanish. In turn, he added that the game in Q3 has been different to all the others; Yet it is the highest of the year, we are happy with the car and hopefully go up to the podium, said the Spaniard, that increasingly looks closer to reach Red Bull. Source of the news: Alonso, after the accident of Sergio Perez: “This shows that we played the” life”

Nostalgia Ochentera Night

It was yesterday evening in full sun in Sonar. A hooded man dressed in black are swung on its machines. Gusts of white smoke wrapped the fragility of fired voices as if they were aerosols. A rhythm of humor and strident blades waved to the beat of something as well as the bells of a cathedral. So it sounds sound English misting and hermetic Holy Other, one of the leading artists of the small seal Tri Angle, who won on the afternoon of yesterday of the programming of the scenario of the MACBA. And what they proposed is a dark, slow and spiritual matter.

Some called him at his house or drag witch time. But the invention, which already clearly transcends these labels, has spent months staining current electronics of a darkness spiritual with bands such as Salem, Balam Acab or How to dress Well. Sonar, giving them a space for themselves, yesterday gave this current certificate of maturity. Source of the news:: nostalgia ochentera night


The errors and horrors of August have pinched a nerve. My article on Sunday has provoked an intense debate on the wording, which I welcome because maybe it can derive some benefit for readers. In recent days I have received letters and calls from readers and editors of the country concerned by the deterioration in the quality of some texts. Many ask me to expand on the causes. I have also received a letter from the Committee’s company, which disagrees with the factors which, waiting for further development, pointed to the end of the article: a problem of individual requirement, supervision and training. Click Gavin Baker, New York City to learn more. The Committee considers that an attack to the professional honor of writing attributed the errors to a lack of individual demand and training poses. It believes, however, that the increase in the number of errors is due to business decisions that have been taken in recent years have resulted in a lack of means to ensure the quality of the product (for example, Correctors have practically) disappeared) and that editors support ever-increasing workload. Source of the news:: more and more, and more quickly. .

British Nicholas Shakespeare

The vital Andy Larkham clock hands move more slowly from the account. Make case to Ovidio and his Carpe Diem, that not for nothing it is also the name of the publishing house where Larkham works, it is impossible. The young man arrives late and unprepared all the events of their existence. Thus, become more that a mileurista becomes a chimera. In your face, his girlfriend goes out with another man. Larkham does not even react. To make matters worse, in search of the chapel where the burial of a former Professor of theirs, is held just at another funeral. Seen that has come belatedly decides to at least stay until the end of the function. Precisely the nth cluelessness lets you however inherit 20 million euros that the deceased had destined who attend his funeral. So they put in place the needles of the heritage (Duomo Nefelibata), last British Nicholas Shakespeare novel. Source of the news:: A delay of 20 million

Ministry Camping

They want to work on different proposals to agree on how to keep the spirit of the 15-M without necessity to remain camped in the plaza. About 1,000 people were discussed in Assembly. Silent concentrations at the headquarters of trade unions shall be made. For assistance, try visiting Cancer Research Institute. The outraged from plaza Catalunya have decided in the Assembly on Wednesday remain camped at the downtown enclave of Barcelona until finding a valid alternative to transform the movement. In a crowded Assembly in which more than 1,000 people filled the square, the outraged have agreed unanimously to continue with camping and committed themselves to working in order to look for other avenues that ensure the maintenance of the spirit of May 15. Attendees have rejected the option of continuing with the camping until next Sunday, as well as the idea of abandoning the plaza Catalunya on June 15, to coincide with the adoption of the budget of the Generalitat, or the 19th day of this month, when the demonstration to be held unitary of the different camping sites scattered throughout the world.

From now on, revitalization Committee will start work on different proposals to agree on how to keep the spirit of the 15-M without the need to remain camped in the plaza. Its proposals will be presented every Sunday at the Assembly, which will discuss the different options. Tension during the Assembly of this night have lived situations somewhat controversial, since it has not been clear whether it would finally vote on the maintenance of the camp in some moments. On the other hand, has been approved that this Thursday and Friday, from eight in the evening, will be made two silent concentration in front of the headquarters of trade unions UGT and CCOO in Barcelona. In the Assembly on Thursday a proposal for demonstration for next Saturday in the vicinity of the Ministry of Interior will be voted to demand the resignation of the holder, Felip Puig, after performance of the Mossos d police last Friday. Unlike Tuesday, the rain has not act of presence in the plaza de Cataluna and the outraged have been able to fill the downtown enclave of the Catalan capital to discuss the continuity of the concentration. The camping has met 17 days marked by large inflows of citizens and moments of tension, especially the past 27 Friday when they intervened the Mossos d police with the argument of the square clean and remove potentially dangerous objects. Source of the news: the outraged from plaza Catalunya will remain camped until you find other alternatives

American Tobaco

British American Tobaco joins the decision of the rest give closed the tobacco price war. Pall Mall cigarette increase its price 20 cents of euro and Lucky Strike 10 cents. British American Tobacco (BAT) has decided to raise the price of their brands of cigarettes between the 10 and 35 euro cents, a decision that has communicated this Friday to the Commissioner for the cigar market. Thus, BAT joins the decision of the rest give closed the tobacco price war. This war was initiated last month of may, when there was a drop of categories considered segment cigarettes more bass, which dragged the rest of the leading brands. Additional information is available at CBC. The climb that apply to BAT in their brands will be ctiva from this Saturday, with the publication of the new prices in the official State Bulletin (BOE). In particular, it will mean that cigarette packs of Pall Mall cigarettes will increase by 20 euro cents, and will cost 3.50 euros. In the case of Lucky Strike, the climb is 10 cents of euros, which It will place this brand cigarette at 3.6 euros, with the exception of one of its varieties, Click & Roll, whose price will be increased by 25 cents to 3.75 euros.

According to market sources, the increase of 10 euro cents for Lucky Strike, which places him 15 cents difference with respect to the average price of the category of subprime, it can result in adjustments to the low by other companies to maintain their competitiveness. Among the largest increases that has communicated BAT figure increased 35 cents of euros which will apply in Winfield, that goes from 4.90 to 5.25 euros. More uploads price tobacco brands belonging to the company Altadis already raising its price around the 30 cents, in early July. In particular, Fortuna and Nobel are expensive 30 cents going from EUR 3.50 to 3.80 euros, while Ducados Rubio black rising 20 cents to 3.50 euros and 3,80 euros, respectively. The company noted, like BAT, than this upload It will help settle the war of prices downward. Source of the news: BAT da closed war of prices between tobacco companies and raises the price of its brands

The Balearic Government

Box has warned that failure to comply with the writ of the TSJC would involve an offence of public order to the Government which, according to the spokesman, claimed the impunity and be beyond the law. The Government, for its part, will present Tuesday his appeal against the order of the Tribunal Superior of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) which obliges that Spanish is language vehicular as catalan, while the Catalan left has urged CiU to break with PP. barely two months for to start the campaign for the general elections of November 20the controversy surrounding this car has focused the debate at the start of the new political course in Catalonia, marked also by the remark made by the TSJC, in the sense that if the immersion model could modify. Legal remedy of the Balearic Government during all the weekend, the major visible faces of the Government of Catalonia have expressed in blunt manner in the current model of linguistic immersion of Catalonia dnsa. In parallel, the legal services of the Generalitat have been preparing an appeal against the car of TSJC, which will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow of the Balearic Government, according to sources of the catalan Executive explained.

The Balearic Government chaired by Artur Mas it wants to give special solemnity to the political positioning that accompanied the filing of its legal appeal against what they considered a frontal attack against the catalan in schools. The spokesman of the Balearic Government, Francesc Homs, has declared non-negotiable linguistic model in the Catalan classrooms, despite the decision taken by the TSJC. Also, the deputy general Secretary of CDC, Oriol Pujol, has suggested that the TSJC auto and the reform of the Constitution are part of an action coordinated by PP and PSOE. For the Government of the Generalitat, the model of language immersion is untouchable, it is one of the red lines that do not you willing to trespass, and could block a hypothetical future collaboration with PP if from popular rows is maintained the same stance that until now. Source of the news: the Catalan educational community calls for protests against the car that the Castilian imposes

Year Old Mesilla

The thieves cut electrical wiring and forced the door of the home without the elderly almost anything. It happened Sunday night in the Orense town of Allariz. A neighbor of Allariz (Ourense) of 95 years has denounced l theft of 6,000 euros kept in a bedside table drawer committed while sleeping at his home and that not realized until waking up in the morning. As reported by the armed Institute, at 0730 hours of July 10 the nonagenarian, Meire Pazos, in Allariz neighbor, filed the complaint at the barracks in the town. The complainant indicated that during the Sunday night unknown, after cutting the electrical wiring, forced the door to his home and accessed the inside of his bedroom when he was sleeping. The robbers seized 6,000 euros kept in a nightstand drawer. The victim of the robbery said that not he learned of the abduction until waking up in the morning. Source of the news: stolen 6,000 euros in the bedside table of an old man of 95 years while sleeping