The British Museum

For example, one of the undisputed gems of the collection of the British Museum the famous Parthenon marbles, otherwise known as Elgin marbles, marble frieze of the Parthenon tape and so on, these Masterpieces are not a simple story, they tried to steal and destroy, but has survived some of these masterpieces of ancient Greece. Great Greek sculptors, creating the masterpieces, have used marble because of its durability and comfort processing. And to this day, marble sculptures of Aphrodite and Apollo, pleasing to the eye connoisseurs of culture. And how rich history all the same ancient Rome: Near Arch of Septimius Severus, archaeologists have found something like a cave, closed black marble, and inside it – the foundations of some pedestals and columns. For example, an area of Victor Emmanuel in the ancient wall of a building constructed a highly original memorial. On a marble slab, which is guarded by two puzatenkih monster, which then smashed kabbalistic signs. An ancient legend says that one who will solve them, will get a very simple formula for making gold in unlimited amounts. Many people in past centuries tried to decipher a mysterious inscription, but to no avail.

Granite – a natural raw material, which is why it is so often used nowadays, because now it has become fashionable to use all natural, natural raw materials, natural fabrics and the like. The interior of the granite used for the walls, stairs, as practiced in the interior of granite products, fireplaces, granite countertops, columns, and so. Finish and granite products Granite creates interior in the style of antiquity, which, depending on the ideas may become warm and cozy, maybe a cold and mysterious. Filed under: Andrew Leiner. People are accustomed to historical articles from granite to the extent that they do not notice them, because they surround us on all sides. He is under our feet when we walk with the children, with friends or delirium in pensive solitude on numerous bridges and embankments of our people, beautiful architecture, the Russian cities. A because, for example, granite is made Alexander Column on Palace Square in St. Petersburg.

A pillar made from a single piece of granite, and yet its height is 25.6 meters in diameter, 3, 66 meters. This Mahina weighs about 600 tons. Alexandria post anything not fixed and it costs only because of its severity and the unwavering power of the granite base. Established a colony of 30 August 1832. In 2002 it celebrated 170 years. I think it will live up to its Bicentennial in 2032. So long longevity, it is obliged to his Majesty the granite on which we pay so little attention, and which is so much beneath our feet, but which serves as a decoration during the whole of our lives, from the granite finish building the hospital, before reminiscent sadness granite monument in the cemetery. Imagination and ideas of modern designers and architects have practically no boundaries, they invent and create a variety of original patterns and on the granite slabs, "open" this natural material for an increasing number of products and finishing areas, creating an unparalleled interiors in homes, restaurants and so on. Sturdy granite and marble – Raw Materials perfectly well past the test of time.