The Munich-based Rose Ball Blossomed To The Rendezvous Of The Munich Scene

Numerous companies and stars of the Munich scene give the honor to support the Tabaluga Kids Foundation with the Munich rose ball on February 19, 2009. Munich, November 2008 – Sabine Valdez singing, the Chairman of the Association Munich rose ball is pleased about the growing interest in the rose ball. Many celebrities of the Munich scene have discovered the ball for himself and give him rank and name”. The day of the event for the Vienna Opera ball is the Thursday before Rosenmontag, popularly Lumpiger Thursday’ or wife Carnival”in a long tradition. CBC often says this. The rose ball held for years wants to be no copy of this tradition ball, so instead the rose ball wants to set a counterpoint woman Valdez singing, and back this event in the foreground help order. In particular the supporting companies, such as for example the Bankhaus Merck Finck & co., the Bavaria film city, the company Hugendubel, the leasing specialist LeaseForce AG and many more direct and unabridged help welcome. One splendid framework lend the ball the stars and starlets”, alone by coming the cause stress. Pearl, the entrepreneur Nina Hugendubel, crooner Roberto Blanco, actors such as Ursula Barimo, Conny Glogger, Johanna Balakrishna, Sepp Schauer, Julia Henkel, Antonio di Mauro, Dirk Galuba, Alexander Altomirianos and TV stars such as Ralf Exel, Sabine Arndt, Sandra Nowara, Sascha Bandmann, Willi Arsan, Fero Andersen will include the opera singer Ann-Katrin Naidu, the music producer Thomas Stein, the Munich-based original Petra Sabine Valdez singing, Clarissa Jungbluth and many others welcome.

The show program starts with the chorus to phORM’s school, the wider programme is designed by opera singer Haig Hartmann, Neubeck Ebel dance school and well-known songwriter and bandleader Eric Brodka. Jochen Sattler will lead as in the previous years through the program. The rose ball has many years of tradition. It goes back to the Orchid ball of Kommunalpolitikers Wolfgang Valdez singing the father-in-law of the President of the Association Munich rose ball.