The Price

We see fundamentally fair valued the shares of the company at a price level of 16.00. In the last two weeks, it has increased dieAnlageklasse shares heavily hit. So, alone of the DAX INDEX lost almost 20% and many financial stocks partly even more. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Center for Responsible Business. Even more surprising is the fact that the price level acts as a magnet to 13,00 for CEWE COLOR AG shares. Whether this is now up to the acquisition of institutional investor or generally exists in a buying interest by several market participants is difficult to assess. The market appears on the local level to have no interest in selling more.

This relative strength could pay off in fact mentioned in relation to the input for the future shareholders. The depression of course of in January amounted to approx. 12.00 and could be leaving very soon. A price jump was due up to the magical 13.00 brand. There stabilize the courses for several days and the volatility increasingly takes off.

The increase of in trading volume is interesting in the last few days. Should the jump over the 13.00 significantly succeed course brand, the next stop should only take place at 14.00. There is then the next bigger resistance. With a view to the next six to nine months we can imagine a technical chart price target of 15.00. The analysts of the tradersreport would build a first speculative long position in the shares of CEWE COLOR AG with the WKN 540390 to Max 13.25. Necessarily cover their long position with an individual stop rate at E.g. 12.50 on a closing basis. Our price target term of six to nine months between 15.00 16.00. Again, they’ve missed a very profitable DAX trade. Even when the shares of KONTRON AG, they had some much more expensive buy, as our subscribers. Apparently, their trading runs so well, that it can get away with that! Still, it’s not too late.