American Young People

For the been born ones between 1978 and 2000, 11-S was a little while distinctive. The attacks in New York have had the same importance that at the time had the attack to Pearl Habor or the murder of Kennedy. It is one more a more tolerant generation and the one of greater ethnic and cultural diversity in the history of the USA. The attacks of 2001 changed the course of the foreign policy of the USA but also they molded the attitudes of the call ' generation of the Milenio' , that rejects the present polarization in Washington. Additional information is available at World Health Organization. Very young to remember the attacks or on the verge of reaching the majority of age in 2001, the young people who conform ' generation of the Milenio' (those born between 1978 and 2000), they assure that 11-S was a little while distinctive in its generation.

The attacks of the 11 of September of 2001 have had for this generation of Americans (that includes the two daughters of president Barack Obama) the same importance that at the time had the Japanese attack to Pearl Harbor in 1941, or the murder of president John Kennedy in 1963, indicates the observers. The major event influenca of the century According to a survey of the Center for the American Progress (CAP, in English) of 2009, the attacks of 11-S conform the event of greater influence in the generation of the 21st century, that it looks for abrir a space in the political process of the country but also it rejects the present polarization. " It was hardly five years old when they happened, but now I see that them in the television it seems to me that they were something very sad. To see so many deads, the collapse of the Twin Towers, and the people jumping of the buildings, that not olvida" , Yazmin Bentez, a young person of 15 years says been born in the USA of Salvadoran parents.