
Your Web site does not always sells. What sells is to maintain an effective communication by email. It is the relationship that you can create from your Web site. The secret is to offer something free and capture their name and email address and thus, with intelligent autoresponder you tracked until they buy. That is a smart autoresponder? This is if you are looking for a solution for your business needs. Basically a system by which any visitor who requests additional information get an immediate response, which is automated.

Its main features are:-respond in 30 seconds all demand of Informacion-crea a list of those interested in its products – allows to monitor until you buy serves equally well for sending successive messages to that user who originally contacted with us, so that we can maintain a relationship at the time with him. (through a monthly newsletter, for example) Extremely easy to use. The advantage of that database on its own server is obvious against the insecurity of having them in external servers. Another advantage is that the product is paid once and should not be subject to monthly installments, as it is the case with services. If we get that this relationship has a benefit for the customer and also earn your trust is quite possible just by purchasing any of the products or services that we offer you through those messages. How does it work? Who contracts the service has access to the control Panel with your personal password. There enter your messages, indicates the intervals between deliveries, can add and remove messages at any time. Everything is automatically registered in the database that only you have access with your personal key from the control panel. How the information requested my target audience? They displayed their offers on its website or in classified ads and ask for the information. They receive your message instantly.