Brazilian Cities

This subject is very interesting, because, shows to the reality of the Brazilian cities front serious the climatic problems. The article considers a reflection on the subject and the subjects to be boarded are extensive, being able to have the contribution of all. The first question that I make is: the cities are prepared to face water excesses? Not. It was clearly this north-eastern perception, North, Sudeste and Santa Catarina in 2008 and 2009. We perceive that it does not have logistically, instruments of immediate aid in more than 90% of the Brazilian cities. When some mechanism of aid exists saw Defense Civil, almost always they lack material and human resources for efficient the operational application. I can affirm that the cities in the country are rare, that count on staff prepared for risk situations.

Without aid infrastructure, it is impossible to take care of a high volume of people in short space of time, they lack: instruments, canoes, small boats, tents, helicopters, vehicles, trucks of dragagem, amongst as much other necessary equipment in emergency situations. With the effect greenhouse, it has a trend of the tropical areas in the world to be more affected for the climate, exactly the regions poor of the planet, with bigger risk. I stand out the paper of true heroes of the volunteers of the Civil Defense spread by the country, but, I just do not find to at risk place the life of them due to resources. When I come across with this question I am to think about the victims of Santa Catarina and as much other cities of Brazil and the world that are suffering for the climatic effect. In the 131 catarinenses cities, I must stand out that the aid of the federal government arrived at the half of the affected cities.