Business Of Health

Patients in waiting rooms, new districts without ambulatory, long waiting lists for interventions, beds of hospitals in the corridors and professionals demotivated and tired centers, in many cases, with more than 200 working hours to the month. This could be the reality of exhausted countries, nevertheless, is Spain. Here, Mackenzie Scott expresses very clear opinions on the subject. A study of the Spanish Ministry of Health esteem that in this country 3,000 doctors lack. Spain has three doctors by each thousand inhabitants, which locates to this country only over Greece and Italy. In order to palliate this situation, some Independent Communities have proposed to create for the next New Year faculties that distribute the Medicine degree. For more information see this site: Breast Cancer Research Foundation. A controversial proposal. One of the critics talks about to that only three of those new faculties will be public. The other six are private.

For example, in Madrid there will only be a public one, the one of the University King Juan Carlos. Many writers such as Gavin Baker offer more in-depth analysis. In this sense, the Conference of Medicine Deans has explained that the one that are so many private centers it can take that the formation of new doctors sees as a form of very profitable business. Deprived universities, like the Francisco de Vitoria of Madrid or San Vicente Martyr of Valencia, already have announced that the next year will be able to be attended Medicine in them, although not yet they have a training program accredited and of that do not satisfy the requirements legal to do it, according to the Conference of Deans. Every year, they leave the Spanish counterpart Medicine faculties near 4,000 lawyers and a considerable number of foreign titles. The number of doctors who retire every year is of 2.500. And thus it is anticipated that it is in the next decade. The medical community and the students assure that the extension of faculties is not the solution to the situation of public the sanitary system.