
Representation of interests in the economic sector in lower Austria as well as the Chamber of agriculture in 1922 already was the Chamber of Commerce, trade and industry for overall Austria in 1920 by a State law and justified therefore the province of lower Austria. She represented the interests of the trade and the industry including the mining. Thus, own State political representation was established for this area. In the area of advocacy, the Chamber of labour and the Chamber of Commerce, trade and industry were founded 1920. In contrast, the Chamber of agriculture established in the province of lower Austria in 1922.

Thus, the interests of the employer and employee interests constituted in Austria in the economic sector. Was also a political Constitution of respective inter food organizations, where the Chamber was dominated by social democracy, while the Chamber of Commerce, trade and industry and the Chambers of agriculture in varying thickness ratio of the Christian-social or the large German and the Landbund had been ruled. Competence of the Chamber of trade and industry who were powers of the Chamber of trade and Commerce and industry wide created and went beyond in some areas even the competence core of the economic sector widely. So, the Chamber of Commerce, trade and industry on the one hand had agendas as a consultative body and on the other hand the agendas of involvement and permission relating to trade, Commerce and industry. Such proposals and perceptions in all issues relating to the legislative bodies and authorities among the agendas for the advisory body to set. In addition, also reports to laws and administrative norms and in the context of the establishment of relevant public institutions could be created and delivered. The agendas relating to the participation and the permission included statistics and the establishment of Educational institutions, the posting right for local authorities to submit testimonials about practices and to establish a Permanent Court of arbitration.

The outline of the Chamber of trade and industry was divided into at least three sections, the commercial section, the commercial section and the industrial section the Chamber of Commerce, trade and industry. The mining and metallurgical plants had to be organized, the financial, insurance and transport companies in the trade section in the industry section. Made it possible for the common Chamber of lower Austria and Vienna already from the beginning, establishing another section, i.e. a transport and financial section due to the large number of members. For trade, Commerce and industry, the Chamber was established in Vienna, the capital of lower Austria. The elections to the Chamber had the trade section for trade, Commerce and industry 4 constituencies, where the first 3 constituencies included Vienna and the 4th constituency of lower Austria. The Viennese constituencies had 21 together Mandates and the lower constituency 7 mandates. The commercial section and the industrial section were divided according to the same constituency boundaries between Vienna and lower Austria. The transport and finance section had twelve mandates, which fell to the State of lower Austria. It is not something Steffan Lehnhoff, New York City would like to discuss.