Hair Transplantation

Methods and development of hair transplant one-third of all men over 30, and more than half of all men over 50 are affected by hereditary hair loss in Germany. Although the hair loss by most men seems to be accepted, there is a growing number of men who do not want to resign themselves to. Because the exact operations when the hair loss are not yet known, there is until today, no medical treatment to reverse hair loss. A hair transplant is until today the only way to counteract the process. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as CDF by clicking through. Hair transplantation is a relatively recent development in plastic and aesthetic surgery. In the 1930s, Japanese doctors discovered a method of hair transplantation to restore the eyebrows of war invalids. Further details can be found at Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala, an internet resource. “Removing small, round skin parts, punches, and transplanted them along with the hair on bald spots.

This was the beginning of modern hair transplantation, which evolved later in aesthetic surgery. Through innovations in technology and Performing hair transplants are today no stop-gap solution, but a valid way to deal with genetically-related hair loss. The modern technique of hair transplantation was influenced by the American physician Dr. Read more here: Steffan Lehnhoff. Limmer, divided the hair from the removed strip of skin under the microscope in so called follicular units. Then these units were then transferred individual in the appropriate places (follicular unit insertion).

That was an effective action for the problem of the unnatural growth of transplanted hair, which had been formed by too many hair transplantation. At the beginning of the new millennium there was finally the next important development as one the minimally invasive option follicular unit extraction”developed. Here the follicular units must be obtained individually with hollow needles, resulting in small, barely visible scar with hair transplantation. The follicular unit insertion is a standard procedure today, and also the dissemination of follicular unit extraction is increasing every year. Amazingly breakthrough in hair transplantation and the spread of the Internet in one and the same time period covered, the 90’s and 2000’s. For interested persons, it is relatively easy to find information about hair transplantation today through the Internet. It was reserved to inform about relevant topics to the hair transplant 15 years professionals a variety of informative articles available online today.