
Leaders need to develop communication as a fundamental competence in the exercise of his role. The success of his leadership depends on your ability to communicate effectively. The development by the leader of the competence of communication will allow you to improve your ability to connect with the people, effectively share their ideas, plans and vision, give instructions and define expectations in clear and precise, way to ignite the passion in the heart of collaborators, influence and organize meanings shared in the Organization andthus aligning people to a shared vision. Given leadership roles which the leader plays in the Organization, it needs to dominate some communicational roles that contribute to its effectiveness in the conduct of the company or institution. These communication roles we can group them into four essential functions: the leader is the forger and Communicator of vision: vision is a fundamental trait of leadership.

The leader is the forger of the vision for excellence. But if the vision is not communicated effectively remains trapped in the borders of the leader, and loses its function directional and inspiring. The leader needs to convey a clear, coherent and credible vision. That the members of an organization share a vision, take responsibility and commit to it, depends on the effectiveness with which it is communicated. How they communicate visions effectively? Do you get that people line up around the fundamental objectives of the Organization? How communicates the vision by way of inspiring people, in order to generate actions that lead to their achievement? How are called upon resources emotional and spiritual people, their values and commitment, in order to produce identification with the vision of the Organization? The answers to these questions have in the ability of the leader to effectively communicate the vision to the rest of the organization. The leader is fundamental organization spokesman: the leader has the responsibility of favorably influencing opinion and image of the Organization, both in the team of the Organization itself and outside it, to attract the required cooperation, favourable image and promote the exploitation of the opportunities in the environment.