Communication Act

Formulating Debate Nowadays in my dear mother country Ecuador lives an intense debate on the approval on a new Communication Act some we think that it is a right exit to the mediocrity and corruption of the press but there are others are very few and that respond only to economic interests generally that think that this is going to be a law jaw. Apparently the journalists at the moment do not realize of which to speak of but several problems at national level can be generated the law does not look for the control inpositorio of the contents, rather what looks for is to give responsibility to the signaller than is saying, so that obvious bad it has not understood and mainly that everything appears with tests what the emitter denounces since in this country the signallers have dedicated themselves to parcializar their content or by economic or political interests. Another one escusa that puts mass media is that the law which looks for is to alienate the thought of people which I can respond to this is that is theoretical and practically impossible with the implantation of a new one Communication Act so that the human mind is an own world of each person and every one must right to think and to express its thought with responsibility to this is called freedom to him of expression something that some journalists or forgot or they studied never it because the truth is that the great majority not even has a title of journalism and communication. With this I mean to the citizenship that takes a little but from protagonism in this debate and only discuss with responsibility this in its houses districts and to other as well as some we do it people by love to our country. With love to the revolution Jorge E. Wool C..