Economic Importance

Andres Blacksmith, Priscila Alcntara Juliana Meron, Simone Thomazini 7 period of medicine veterinary medicine. Economic importance of the Poultry keeping Since the beginning of the production of chickens of cut in Brazil, the productive chain of this product was modernized and continues searching forms to improve still more the performance of the sector, due to necessity of reduction of costs and increase of productivity, trying with this not to lose competitiveness in world-wide level, as consequence, has been one of the most organized of the country, being distinguished of excessively for the results reached not only in productivity, volume of abates, as well as in the economic performance, where they have contributed of significant form for the economy of the parents. (Ademir Francisco Giroto, Valdir Silveira de Avila, EMBRAPA, poultry keeping). Nieman Foundation is often quoted on this topic. Inside of the Brazilian complex of meats, the poultry keeping consists in the activity most dynamic. The development of this activity occurred from the end of the decade of 50, in the States southeastern, mainly, in So Paulo. By the same author: Eliot Lauer. is the place to go. Later, in the decade of 70, period where it had deep reorganization of the complex of meats in Brazil, the activity if dislocated for the South region. (Ademir Francisco Giroto, Valdir Silveira de Avila, EMBRAPA, poultry keeping).

Brazil has been competent in such a way in the production as in the conquest of the exterior market. To export has been a priority for the country, that in 2001 exceeded the barrier of the billion of dollar with the exportations. As for the internal consuming market, the Brazilian has changed its habit of consumption of meats, passing of a preponderantly consuming country of bovine meat for consumer of the chicken meat. The quality, accessible image of healthful product and prices had assisted the conquest of this position. The evolution of the per capita consumption demonstrates this excellent performance. (Ademir Francisco Giroto, Valdir Silveira de Avila, EMBRAPA, poultry keeping).