Emperor Constantine

Let us examine them one by one. Transfiguration Church Potemkin ordered him to design "in imitation of the holy Paul, that outside of Rome," the fourth in importance and the oldest surviving Christian churches, built in 323 by Emperor Constantine. But – Ekaterynoslavsky temple had to be on "arshinchik" long. May 9, 1787 Catherine II and Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II of the German nation in his own hand laid the foundation first two pebble. When the motorcade left the area, began laying the foundation. Its cost has cost the treasury 71 102 rubles. More information is housed here: Cancer Research Institute. Were dug deep ditches, put the wild stone with lime filling.

Started building the walls. Potemkin for his church chose the type of the basilica with three naves, inherent in the Byzantine tradition (in Russian Orthodoxy, we used cross-domed style with five aisles). Construction was interrupted by the sudden death of Potemkin, which occurred October 5, 1791 on the road from Yass (he's a cold and is rumored to have been poisoned). Only in 1830-1835, under Nicholas the First, the cathedral was built at last, but strongly reduced form. Potemkin palace first stone construction of the new town was built, too type basilica. It Serene never lived (and even so not once visited), but settled in its capital. For what purpose – It is not clear, since all that is within one-storey, elongated building was a one long hallway. Maxim Kavun: – The value of the Palace, we realize if we take into the hands of second master plan of the city, which is stored in Moscow archives.