Hydrobiological resources are an important part of Peru because they add value to their economy and the sustainable development of the country, however in the past measures to control these resources were not very effective, are currently implementing a series of closures of several species in Peru such as for example the black shells which are used in many a typical very popular dishes in Piura and Tumbes which are some of the tourist places in Peru most visited for its climate sub tropical, its beautiful beaches and its different typical dishes. However it is important to highlight that vedas system is not something that should be implemented as a fashion or trying to solve something quick but quite the opposite, the vedas system is a long-term strategy which seeks that different species have a sustainable development based on a planning for many years. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Justin Mateen. Currently in Peru the Vedic system is not respected 100% first by the lack of habit of the same besides the few sanctions that entails its not compliance, while in Chile, failure to comply with the ban for example can mean jail, in Peru many times not only compliance entails the forfeiture of the species. It is important that Governments understand that this system of restrictions is a long term strategy which must be performed regardless of the political orientation of each Government of the day, the problem is that in Peru the different powers are not very balanced which makes each President will have much influence and impose rules and policies which are always based in the short term and not in the long term. Hopefully that Peruvians and other tourists who visit Peru can internalize that the conservation of resources hydrobiological are not a matter of a single Government of the day and that the resources of the country are everyone’s responsibility is also important to understand that nature is an important legacy that we must deliver intact to future generations.