Industries Work

The city of Recife has a population currently de1.462.966 inhabitants, spread for 94 quarters and a 219 area of km. Osndices of alfabetizao, life expectancy and per capita income ficampouco above average of the country and are below of the indices of many outrascapitais. One is about a great city, with an increasing number deproblemas that they are established connection, needing, therefore, of einterconectadas innovative politics. Ground of udh 24 the instability of the ground of many areas is aggravated pelafalta of sanitation. ' ' More than 70% of Recife do not have sanitation.

Essasguas is going for the ground and the sewer attacks the foundations of the building. Normally in the quarters qu and is saneados does not have registers of problemas' ' , the president of the Union of the Industries of the Civil Construction of the Estadode Pernambuco explains (Sinduscon-foot), Gabriel Dubeux. It is natural that in its outskirts, that is, in the seussubrbios where the consuming is bigger its ground it is of the type the barriers ocasionandocom this alone one of the arenaceous and argillaceous causer of great landslides porcausa of the antrpicas occupations. Ambient consequences the great problem since the start of its formation is descasocom its hdricas sources, the assoreamento of the rivers that serve the region, odesmatamento, the companies established in the quarter who in such a way play its noslenis water residues the superficial ones as the ones that if they find in the interior dosolo, generating a damage for the future generations that to inhabit there. Conclusion After the comment of the facts however displayed in this artigosugere a work of recovery of the affluent of the Beberibe, assimtambm as the replantio of its flora, so that if possible warm river the fauna can daadquirir some advantage, removal of the residences in the stream bed biggest of the warm river, frequent educational work since the quarter where if it made the research is populous dosmais of Rpa 3.