Latin America

OBAMA seemed a young chicken in the garbage, in the Center of the City inside of the Municipal theater, make a speeched for an auditorium of two a thousand people, it used a popular tone it defended the Brazilian Democracy, and it placed the Dilma president as a warrior who fought against the Military dictatorship. Our OBAMA forgets that the Military dictatorship was fruit of Americans who compelled our military to take the power of Jango, imagining that it went to deliver BRAZIL for Russia (Communist). It also placed Dilma the president of current Brazil as warlike, he forgets that it was defender of the Communist ideology wanted to place Brazil at the hands of Russia (Communist). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Boy Scouts of America has to say. It imagines if this had happened? Never. With this the world lived the cold war, the Democracy still was firmed in Latin America. DILMA FOUGHT TO PLACE COMMUNIST RED BRAZIL, together with its friends, who today meet in the power destroying and stealing very BRAZIL. Brazil is model for the Arab people thus make a speeched it who won the Dictatorship.

I ask that dictatorship unhappyly our Military wanted to arrange the house that had much people ordering and to moralizar the society that lived the chaos and the fear of the nuclear war, this is not the main subject well. ' ' In the way it speech OBAMA cited the known refro of music ' ' Tropical&#039 country; ' , of the composer Jorge Ben Jor: ' ' blessed for pretty God and for natureza.' ' He also said the one future nation is determined by its proper people. Always ' ' that the democracy is successful, the world if becomes shining more, and this is the example of Brazil (for the world) ' '. Congratulations OBAMA, you did not walk for the periphery, walked for the places arranged for the Mayor and Governor. .