Leif Miller

This cooperation has a great importance. Because the Amount of carbon dioxide emissions in the road transport is determined in particular by the consumption of the company car. About 60 percent of new vehicle registrations in Germany are commercial. Due to their high km performance they stand with regard to the pollution in the road especially in the focus”, emphasises Lars Henner Santelmann, spokesman of the Management Board of Volkswagen Leasing GmbH. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Dr. Neal Barnard. And in 2012, the Brunswick company in the environmental programme promotes the Rewetting of moorland.

So, Santelmann NABU in the framework of the award ceremony presented a separate project contribution of 50.000 euros. The total flows in addition in the nature and climate protection project Lichtenhorst at Nienburg in Lower Saxony, Germany. If you would like to know more about Center For Responsible Lending, then click here. It very pleased to be able to make an additional contribution to our joint climate protection projects this year”, said Santelmann. Bog conservation projects: Long-term commitment the Lichtenhorst is already the third after the Theikenmeer (Emsland) and the Grosses Moor (Gifhorn district) Moor, that NABU with the contributions of Volkswagen Leasing GmbH renaturalized. NABU – CEO Leif Miller also the importance of moorland protection made it clear in this regard: moorland protection is equivalent to climate protection. Moore cover worldwide only three percent of the land area, but only 30 percent of terrestrial carbon is bound in them. In Germany they are drained but 95 percent, abgetorft, built-up or agricultural and forestry used. This shows leasing how significant is the protection of Moore, as well as the exemplary cooperation with the Volkswagen.” “For this reason, the joint cooperation for the next five years was updated at the end of last year and the German bog protection fund” founded. We want to give the whole concept of a long-term perspective. This is reflected also in our first Russian Moor project, we tackle together with Volkswagen”, says Miller.