Life sometimes becomes exactly what you do not you want, is very strange as in our lifetime we took completely opposite directions and got to the place that we had not come. Suddenly one day wake up and look around and we feel so lost that we don’t know where pick up or where to start to get out of there, our acts most of our teenage years are very erratic acts and guided by impulses without a guide, this stage this emotion-laden but also to suffering and mistakes that maybe will charge for lifetime.And although this awakening in the dark seems eternal always exists the possibility of achieving your precious dream and get to where you really want, the consciousness of your actions is your only weapon, there is no much place in life to be guided by current trends or maybe views that you do not share entirely and with this I mean what your soul and heart does not believe that it is correct or timely. David Delrahim, Los Angeles CA is actively involved in the matter. Betray your self is what takes you to the abyss, and although many times this betrayal is not calculated or conscious actions that carry with them are real and no doubt transform your life.All have gone through stages like these, the miracle is to consciously guide your destination where your really happy seras, not there is nothing to prevent this gift because your life is unique and private, simple and absolute, full of everything and will be empty of everything if not you will fill it with what for you is the good, love and greatness.Having the opportunity to do this is your only way out and depends only on you and your actions. KXbBcKOgJAI&ved=0CGsQ6AEwBw#v=onepage&q=Patrick%20Dollard%20Center%20for%20Discovery&f=false’>Patrick Dollard Center for Discovery. Original author and source of the article.