Treating Co-Dependency

How to help a co dependent codependency is probably more frequent in our society than one can imagine. Boy Scouts is open to suggestions. A silent disorder is that many people live, believing that they are unhappy or simply have bad luck or just unworthy. If there is a codependent in your life, there are some things you can do to help. Read on to know how to help a codependent. Here are some instructions that you can follow to help a codependent.

_Reconocer the problem. In order to help a co-dependiente, it is necessary to recognize the condition. It is easy to recognize the condition if you’re not part of it. The codependent tend to take care of everyone except themselves. Do not accept help or praise, and many times do not like being alone.

Their self-esteem is low and they depend on the opinions of other people. _ Offer information. Once is recognized to a co-dependiente, the best way to start helping is offering information about codependency. You may be able to work this information in the conversation through the exchange of experiences personal. Otherwise, try to facilitate a connection with someone who has experienced the co-dependency or a support group. _ Step back. The worst thing you can do for a codependent is to take charge of your recovery. A codependent walks through life relying on others, which does not have to be on their own. While he is working on his recovery, a codependent has many needs, one of them is your own space. A retrograde step and allow him, and even exijale a codependent to begin to trust in himself. _ Be support. Codependency takes years to develop, and many times even takes much more time to be able to recognize. It is very important to understand that a codependent, can fight for a long time to overcome this condition. Like an addict, a codependent may try several times changed his life before doing any real and progressive change. Be of assistance through support to every attempt to combat the disease and not to be critical about each relapse, will be the key to success in the recovery of a codependent. If you really want to be helpful, you should support without conditions or recriminations. If you get identified with this topic and has produced in you’s wishes to know more about how to get help to people who are suffering from co dependence visit now and surely you’ll find more ideas that they will be even better for you or your friends.