Production Cycle

Calculation of the conduct of cycle of manufacturing orders in the reverse course of the process, from the final letting the phase before starting materials for processing in procurement departments of the enterprise. First developed schedule installation (total) and a hub assembly of product, which is called cyclogram assembly. Most efficient construction timeline assembly with network planning methods. Created a network model of the assembly process showing the sequence of individual works installing the product, the order occurrence of nodes and subnodes, the possibility of parallel execution. Further calculated parameters of the network model and determined the critical path, ie, the production cycle execution of assembly process products. From the date of product options network schedule is tied to the calendar and set deadlines of individual works. Calculations are made using a computer. After determining the duration production cycle run assembly process is calculated cycle time of machining parts with a view to establishing the initial launch date of parts in mechanical processing and software their timely production and delivery to the assembly in accordance with cyclogram assembly work..