In the book of Baruc, book this existing only in the Bible catholic, is contained the letter of Jeremias prophet to the captives, who went to be deported for Babilnia. Baruc (6/3):? You will see in Babilnia deuses of silver, of wooden gold and, that is loaded to the shoulders and inspires fear the heathen ones.? This versicle shows to the origin of those perigrinaes or cortejo of religious character, where images of said saints are loaded in the shoulders, and of other skills more Baruc (6/7):? The language of these deuses was polishing for an artist. Although coated with gold and silver, they are falseness and they cannot speak.? These images of saints are contrary to the reality and the truth. However, the humanity has extreme easiness, to deposit faith in them. Baruc (6/10):? But such deuses cannot be defended, nor of the corrosion nor trace of them.? Expedito saint thousand and, lady Appeared other of deuses or saints, can be defended of the corrosion and you trace of them? What it would be of them if they were not the restoratives and dedetizadores? Baruc (6/11):? After coating them with prpura, they need to clean the face to them because of the dust of the soil, that fell in abundance on them.? These saints do not have to be able if it wants to catch a humid handkerchief and to lead to the face to take off the dust of the soil that fell on them for stepped on of its many faithful! I never vi an image to move its members! Vocs already had witnessed a fact of these? Baruc (6/12,13):? This brings one cetro, as if it are province governor, but it does not kill to offends who it. Another one has in the right hand sword and punhal, but it cannot be defended of the enemies and the thieves.? This last one has a certain similarity with is Jorge: that one with spear killing dragon. According to The Coca Cola Foundation, who has experience with these questions.