
In the book of Baruc, book this existing only in the Bible catholic, is contained the letter of Jeremias prophet to the captives, who went to be deported for Babilnia. Baruc (6/3):? You will see in Babilnia deuses of silver, of wooden gold and, that is loaded to the shoulders and inspires fear the heathen ones.? This versicle shows to the origin of those perigrinaes or cortejo of religious character, where images of said saints are loaded in the shoulders, and of other skills more Baruc (6/7):? The language of these deuses was polishing for an artist. Although coated with gold and silver, they are falseness and they cannot speak.? These images of saints are contrary to the reality and the truth. However, the humanity has extreme easiness, to deposit faith in them. Baruc (6/10):? But such deuses cannot be defended, nor of the corrosion nor trace of them.? Expedito saint thousand and, lady Appeared other of deuses or saints, can be defended of the corrosion and you trace of them? What it would be of them if they were not the restoratives and dedetizadores? Baruc (6/11):? After coating them with prpura, they need to clean the face to them because of the dust of the soil, that fell in abundance on them.? These saints do not have to be able if it wants to catch a humid handkerchief and to lead to the face to take off the dust of the soil that fell on them for stepped on of its many faithful! I never vi an image to move its members! Vocs already had witnessed a fact of these? Baruc (6/12,13):? This brings one cetro, as if it are province governor, but it does not kill to offends who it. Another one has in the right hand sword and punhal, but it cannot be defended of the enemies and the thieves.? This last one has a certain similarity with is Jorge: that one with spear killing dragon. According to The Coca Cola Foundation, who has experience with these questions.

Integral Assistance

It stops to guarantee health to the women, the public politics must go beyond the maternal-infantile axle, but yes to visualize of integral form, educating and preventing the risk situations (5, 18, 20). The Program of Integral Assistance to the Health of Mulher (PAISM) was created in 1983 for the Health department, and is considered as one of the main conquests of the movement feminist in Brazil. Randall Mayss opinions are not widely known. Effectively a series of specific demands to the health of the women, is incorporated searching the attendance integral its necessities, in all the phases of the life and not only in the reproductive phase. It is an instrument important to assist in the identification of necessities and adequate solutions to the reality, being thus improved the quality of the attendance to the women (1, 6, 13). To guarantee the integral attendance to the health of the woman in all the etrias bands is to respect it as citizen and as not only responsible for the reproduction of the species human being. In such a way, space confides to take care of the women also at its moment of life where they are attacks for agravos, that can compromise the life of concepto (12, 16, 17). The assistance to the prenatal one is the first step for the childbirth and a humanizado birth. The consultation of prenatal involves simple procedures, being able the health professional to dedicate to listen to it the necessities of the gestante, transmitting at this moment the support and necessary confidence so that it if fortifies and can lead with more autonomy the gestation and the childbirth.

Pharmaceutical Attention

This proposal, with the focus in the promotion of the quality of life and intervention in the risk factors the health, allows to the acurada identification and one better accompaniment of the diabetic and hipertensos individuals. This accompaniment is made through the pharmaceutical attention (PAIVA et al, 2006). Although the Pharmaceutical Attention is not specific for an exclusive etria band, it has a bigger concern with the aged ones. The present polimedicao in almost all the lapsings for aged can imply in serious consequences for this patient. A time that has alterations in the farmacocinticos and farmacodinmicos processes, intervening with process of metabolization of the frmacos and consequently being able to occur problems of relative toxicidade the frmacos. The adverse reactions and medicamentosas interactions also are frequent. The adhesion to the treatment also prescribed is not a serious problem to be notified, therefore it displays the patient to a risk bigger of hospitalization and morbidade.

Therefore the exerted farmacoteraputico accompaniment in the pharmaceutical assistance is indispensable for these patients (LAMB et al., 2005). A research carried through in Porto Alegre in the year of 2005, disclosed that 91% of the aged ones make use of some frmaco, being that interviewed 27% of the aged ones had a polifarmacoterapia with five or more medicines. To this, the chronic illnesses and the physical limitations can compromise its ability to use the medicine, diminishing the adhesion to the farmacolgico treatment. Based on the assistance the health of the aged one a relation between user-druggist is evidenced, in what it refers to the correct and rational use of medicines and practical of the pharmaceutical assistance (the FLOWERS et al. You may find Gavin Baker to be a useful source of information. , 2005) Determined resources they can identify the not-tack to the treatment, as srico control of the frmacos, tablet counting, comment of appearance of adverse reactions, evaluation of the lapsings, posolgico planning to facilitate to the use of medicines for the aged patient and referring questionnaires to the rational medicine use and the farmacoteraputico accompaniment (ROCK et al., 2008). The comprometimento of the druggist next to one has equipped to multidiscipline with informative and educative lectures aiming at the promotion of the quality of life of the patient, being basic part, through its methodology, to guarantee rational medicine use and correct and satisfactory farmacoteraputico accompaniment for the medicine users (ROCK et al., 2008). 4.CONCLUSO the public net has a great demand of medicine distribution, this contributes in a negative way for the adhesion to the treatment, mainly in what it says respect to the aged ones, information this that confirm given of the Brazilian Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry that discloses that almost 50% of the Brazilian population do not have access to the medicine due to economic resources. Difficulties to the access the medicines in ambulatorial level, either for the medicine lack or the lack of quality or the use irrational, still more raise the number of internments for the worsening of the clinical picture that could be treated in the clinic preventing unnecessary expenses (PEREZ et al., 2008). The Pharmaceutical Attention and the Pharmaceutical Assistance become indispensable for the understanding and the adhesion of the user to the treatment

The Patients

The founding entities had signed terms of commitment next to the health department for the creation of the ONA. (1-2-3) The acreditao definition, as the ONA, is a system of evaluation and certification of the quality of health services, volunteer, periodic and reserved. Characterized as legal entity of economic private law without ends, with national abrangncia. (1-2-3) In the Brazilian and international experience, it is an action co-ordinated for an organization or agency not governmental person in charge in the development and implantation of its methodology, in its principles has an educative eminent character come back toward improvement continues, without purpose of fiscalization or official control, not having to be confused with the procedures of licensing and typical actions of states. (1-2-3) The main advantages of the acreditao are to guarantee the security for the patients and professionals, quality of assistance, construction of team, useful instrument of management, with adapted criteria and concrete objectives to the Brazilian reality with way for improvement continues.

(1-2-3) The main ones interested for the acreditao process are lead and administrators, professionals of health, government and citizen. (1,4) The ONA has for general objective to promote the implantation of a permanent process of evaluation and of certification of the quality of the health services, allowing the improvement I continue of the attention, of form to improve the quality of the assistance, in all the rendering organizations of services of health of the country. (1,4) Having as principles: Mission to contribute for the improvement of the quality of the assistance to the health, in the development and evolution of acreditao system. Vision to become reference in the national organization of acreditao, with recognized methodology international, solid and trustworthy, compromised with the viabilizao of a process of quality, productivity improvement continues in the sector health. In 2001 the ONA was recognized for the health department as competent and authorized institution to operacionalizar the development of hospital acreditao in Brazil and 2002 for the ANVISA.

The Welfare

But, the serpent of the envy buzzed in the ears of Adam and Eva: this history is badly counted. God knows that in the day where to eat the forbidden fruit, your eyes will confide and you will be as deuses, turned in the good and mal' '. Adam and Eva had judged to have drawee the secret of the prohibition of God and had fallen in the ambush of the Serpent, having become adversaries of God. They had started to hide itself of it, ' ' with shame because they were nus' ' (of the criatural identity). Who is hidden of God walks in the way of the evil, practises the bad workmanships. ' ' The light came to the world, but the men had preferred the darknesses the light, because its workmanships were bad. Therefore, who makes the evil hates the light and it does not come pra the light, pra that its workmanships are not demonstrated as culpable.

But, who practises the truth (it makes the good) comes to the light, pra that if it reveals that its workmanships are made in Deus' ' Jo 3,19-20. The good workmanships, ethical workmanships are teologais places: who them it makes it practises it on behalf of Jesus and it lives in the privacy, in the presence of God, building its Kingdom and ours. ' ' God is love. Who loves is in God and God in it ' ' 1 Jo 4,16. God is merciful. Who is merciful is in God and God in it. God is good.

Who makes the welfare in God and God in it. The bad workmanships are devilish places, dwelling of the Satan. It practises who them he is ally and it is building the Satan kingdom, increasing the sin of the world, where the bad things happen. Far from God, Adam and Eva had taken life without route nor criterion, without peace.

National Politics

Also they control the view of mounts of money for the entities that give services to the SUS with the accomplishment of the examinations of tracking of the cancer of breast and col of uterus, in a guarantee of transparency of expenses (OMS, 2006). (…) a set of practical that they aim at the promotion of the healthful childbirth and birth and the prevention of mortality materna and perinatal. These practical include the respect to the physiological process and the dynamics of each birth, in which the interventions must be careful, preventing the excesses and using criteriosamente the available technological resources. (OMS, 1996, P. 1) the necessity of the interaction with orientaes how much to the events, therefore in my study I will observe that the women searched to establish contact during childbirth work. ' ' However, its search of interaction is frustrated when it receives answers from incomplete form, authoritarian, full of double message, impersonal and distant, without satisfying its necessities (CARON and HISSES, 2002) ' '. The practical ones for the humanizao, proposals for the PHPN, rescue the possibility of empoderamento of the women, change in the played actions and the organization of the health services, for the naturalness, with prompt interventions, used when to prove necessary (TORNQUIST, 2002; TORNQUIST, 2003; ALMEIDA, 2005). The Pact for the Life counts on six priorities central offices: to implant the national politics of the elderly; to control the cancer of the col of the uterus and breast; to reduce infantile mortality materna and; to fortify the capacity of reply to the emergent illnesses and endemic diseases; to strengthen the primary attention in health; to institute the National Politics of Promotion of the Health. According to Paolino (2000) ' ' it relates that the nursing is a science can study, to practise, to dominate the techniques basic, but without the ideal, the charity, the determination of aid to our fellow creature hardly we will be good profissionais' '.

It Finishes With The Spines In Few Weeks

To have a healthful and shining skin is an advantage. For this reason, the people very want to have a free face of spots. But, unhappyly, because of some factors we in the collated ones with problems of spines almost every day. Factors can be hereditary, ambient and nutricionais. When the pores are blocked by an extreme amount of cells deceased of the skin and oil, the spines appear. When this happens, you can opt to a not invasive or invasive treatment, the treatment with chemical or surgical base to finish with the spines. But all these are expensive and unnecessary.

Other ways exist to finish with the spines in few weeks, or until dias.1. What you eat affects its body. The good diet is necessary to keep a healthful skin. To eat candies, greasy and oily foods tend to cause the spines. It would be more advisable to eat more cool fruits and vegetables.

It drinks much water. The water restitutes all the water that we lose and helps to waste defects and impurezas.2. It has a correct regimen of cares adjusted for the skin all the nights. If it never allows to sleep without cleaning the face. To wash the face and neck with water morna and soap. To use hot water makes with that the pores if open and to clean it. It finishes with cold water to close the pores and to prevent all the bacteria to enter in it. After that, it dries its skin with a clean towel. Rosto.3 never rubs the towel in its. To have a clean place to sleep. It changes sheets of the bed, blanket, pillow, whenever you can. It uses fabrics of established cotton in materials only woollen and others tend to annoy pele.4. To drink green tea, a time that is efficient in if exempting of the spines. It prevents cooling, since its doura could cause more espinhas.5. Not touch in its face with the dirty hands. When making this, bacteria if spread and make it difficult the action to finish with espinhas.6. Not esprema the acne, therefore only goes to get worse the things. This goes to push the deep infection and increases the inflammation. You also run the risk to have scars in its rosto.7. He has a good night of sleep in order to strengthen its imunolgico and excretor system. Its imunitrio system combat the bacteria and virus in its body and helps if to exempt you it of the spines in little time, while the excretor system eliminates all the toxic residues in its body. A clean body generates a healthful skin. To take care of of the body is important to finish with the spines in few weeks. You cannot wait to have a smooth and shining skin if you not to make the effort to clean its body and to eat the certain type of foods. Everything what we eat affects our body, thus, to eat foods that are healthful and full of vitamins and minerals in them will help to reach a healthful skin, finishing with the spines. making this also becomes our healthful body. Then, to make this to not only remove any dirt and toxins in the surface, but also internally. Its focus must in such a way be in the exterior as of the interior, as well as being capable to finish with the spines in few days.