Renato Nephew

It makes one autoavaliao of its behavior during all its life, weighing what it made of good and what made of bad. If the scale to weigh negative, can believe, you needs aid. But you know that our god, just and always patient still has something reserved pra you. You know, however, that stays not possibly living nor first nor the only reincarnation and that probably you will have accounts to make right of other incarnations. But it is firm. Health organizations is open to suggestions.

The plans of God for you already have you had very been tracings. He believes. The fact to only be in the Land already is enough test of that has a mission here, either it which will be. Carrying, if the pack you excessively look like yourself heavy, you know to load it with resignation, always believing in the possibility of moral growth. Therefore, if you have accounts payable, it pays that them soon. Because to be postponing the inevitable one. It exempts you of these misfortunes soon and follows your life without complaining, without dissimulating that nothing it made, that nothing it must. Who more than what God could know of your lacks? Only It, and in agreement your moral progression, it will be able to alliviate to you of this pack heavy.

But before you will have that to sweat very. You will have that to prove your value. you take, still, care with the impediments and traps of your way. Carrying, you do not have to trust pseudo religions and doctrines avessas to the orders the holy ghosts and the true teachings of Jesus; therefore, none of them will alliviate the suffering to you; same that brings you an initial comfort, this will be brief, provisory, and soon you will understand that these promise miraculous remedies on behalf of God and of Jesus, will not pass of hoax, it has embezzled and enganao, they will make and it to suffer still more. More worse that this, far from providing the perpetual salvation to you will reduce, it to a deceived spirit and full of amarguras stops with God, when in the truth the cheaters are in the Land, and well close to you, generally in the majestical churches and temples, which they so only search to arregimentar a flock of fidiciary offices and half slaves, which support its stewardships and pleasures lands, when would have to envergonhar itself to make dirty the name of Deus and Jesus, with the mud of the hypocrisy and of lie. One I hug and one I fondle, to the espritas brothers.