Schild Oscar

I have many which can turn reality. Some can be called dreams; others will be in the homesickness. My bigger desire is simple, easy and perfectly realizable, because it depends exclusively on me and you. For some this desire is a miracle; for others the accomplishment of the desire biggest, the desire of the consecration: to make to the others what desire that make me. Simple of if materialize. I am enough to make the correct one, since thinking until acting, that the reciprocal one is true.

I am enough to walk in the line that all will walk; some will take more time, but in the alias process they will perceive that the majority is acting different they and will have to move or leave the place. The majority is successful and this the men forget. They do not forget to join forces to conquer space and money. My desire for 2008 is small in size, but great in amplitude; he can be classified as imensurvel and intangible, but it is alive inside of all. For some, latent; he stops others, eminent. He is enough to open the arms that it awakes, that it leaves, that it takes ratio capable that to hug the world, to all we. My desire small is compared with the ones that desire to richnesses and success; my desire does not involve money, fancy and nor corruption; it does not have to be able, petty politics and nor I appeal sexual.

It has yes a simple, full act of love and ternura. The first step is given by me; as, it is consequence of a true chain that enaltece the workmanship of the Creator; that it values and it perpetuates the example of the Christ; that of the conditions the regeneration and evolution of the spirit; that it softens the sufferings caused for us and that of the conditions for walked ours to the Divine evolution. I cannot be with all the ones that I know, wants friends, wants enemies. I can yes desire optimum to all; I can think about them and see them smiling, glad and happy. I can pardon the small errors that had committed and can desire that the great errors that I committed they are pardoned, but of the form that never better social life. That it comes 2008 and that comes repleto of challenges and that the greater of them is to the evolution of the humanity, of the love fraterno and of the spontaneous charity to the needed ones. Schild Oscar, salesman, manager of sales and writer.